et al:
You know  --   if there is any way we can have continued discussion without the ankst  --  me included. If you have not been profited by personal study because of what we do here on TT,    shame on you. 
The running battle with Deegan gave me the opportunity to go over some old class notes and reconsider my thinking on English translations.    In fact,   I came away from that discussion with a new appreciation for the NKJV .  
The notion of the Trinity was of absolutely no importance to me before TT.   It is  now a critical part of my personal theology.   Friends I have made and I have become a friend to some.  
One thing for sure  -   and this is coming right out of right field,  I know   --  but I will never stop missing my sister.   So the season gives opportunity for blessing and the most profound of memories.  

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