DaveH wrote:
> I use very old software that does not plainly distinguish 
> between all the posts on these threads that contain numerous 
> replies.  Your replies are very difficult for me to discern, 
> because they get buried with previous hard to separate replies.  
> So, I've tried to make my posts distinctive each time so I can 
> quickly sort out my most recent comments.  Then I look just 
> beyond them for your replies.  I suspect I sometimes overlook 
> your comments though, because there is not much that differentiates 
> them from the old material.

I use new software, but I have the same trouble with some of Judy's past
posts.  I don't like to re-read material that I have already read.  If I
find myself re-reading about 50% of the material, I will just quit
reading the rest of the post. 

DaveH's method of using colors helps those of us receiving the posts
directly, but those who receive the digest version of this forum get
plain text only.  Therefore, the colors do not come across to them, and
instead the text becomes much more difficult for them to read.  That is
one reason why I usually try to use plain text in my posts. I try to
quote successively older material with double >> or triple >>> marks to
help people understand what quotes are older. The more greater than
symbols (>), the older the quote.  I try not to quote so far back, but
sometimes it is necessary.  I also recognize that some software, such as
Netscape, will automatically color code plain text posts based upon the
number of quote marks leading the sentence.  Users of this kind of
software have an even easier time reading the forum.

Sometimes a quote is helpful to refresh my memory of what is being
responded to, but in my opinion, a little too much quoting goes on in
most of the posts.  Our memories are not that bad!  It is true that
sometimes people get offended if you don't quote their entire context,
but all that needs to be done is try to represent who you are quoting
properly and if you fail, allow them to point it out and humbly accept
their corrections to your representation of them.

Some of Terry's posts have been refreshing because he tends to just
state his opinion without going line by line and quoting each other.
Sometimes I think that approach is helpful when we get bogged down in
certain issues.  We should all be flexible enough to try different ways
of communicating, and we should learn from one another how to do this.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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