Judy wrote:
> Jesus is not validating philosophy and 
> subjectivism here.  

Why are you adding philosophy here?  That was not my question.  My
question concerned subjectivism, not philosophy.

Judy wrote:
> Doing God's will incurs His blessing which 
> causes ourselves and others to know he is 
> in our midst.

Ok, and this is subjectivism, is it not?  If you don't think so, then
please define subjectivism because you are using some other definition
for it.

Judy wrote:
> We can not interpret scripture through a 
> philosophical grid.

If you were to say that the philosophical systems of this world are
turned upside down and destroyed by Scripture, I would heartily agree,
but the way you put this sentence forth is very difficult.  I'm not sure
how to chew on this. 

The word "philosophical" refers to thinking about the meaning of life
and reality, and the word "grid" refers to a network of lines.  So it
sounds like you are saying that we cannot interpret Scripture through a
mental model of any sort.  That sounds like you are saying that we
cannot interpret Scripture by thinking about it or by approaching
Scripture through some kind of methodology.  So, it appears that from
your perspective, hermeneutics are a waste of time and any methodology
that would produce a model or grid is a waste of time.  It sounds like
you are saying that when it comes to Scripture, THINKING is a waste of
time.  It is almost like you are saying that we just read Scripture and
pow, the Holy Spirit gives us understanding, and that understanding is
not logical or rational or according to any methodology at all.  Well...
if you are not espousing subjectivism at the core by saying this, then
exactly what is this that you are espousing?  Surely you must agree that
this is MAJOR subjectivism that you are embracing here.

[Subjectivism:  a theory stating that people can only have knowledge of
what they experience directly.]

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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