Many of the points that we discuss on TT require a tremendous amount of research (biblical and extra-biblical) in terms of scanning, cross referencing, and word studies, to understand. And, to understand many of the NT concepts, we even need OT knowledge into characteristics, traits, and customs of OT Jewish society, to fully understand all of the implications of the NT.
This is the second time I've written this email. The last time the computer crashed and I almost didn't rewrite my post, but here goes again... We all grow in grace an knowledge. For instance, I do not expect soiled garments from Ian (my six-year-old boy) as I do from Yochannah (my 15-month-old girl). Nonetheless, if Yochannah wants to surprise me by suddenly being about to use the toilet efficiently, HalleluYAH!!
   Our children grow, learn, mature, gain responsibility, and eventually they leave home, marry, and start families of their own and the process begins afresh... but with them at the helm instead of me. The Messianic Community should be functioning the same way. Just because someone has little knowledge doesn't mean they are not going to receive the REWARD of the Kingdom upon their death or the arrival of Messiah. There should be a constant state of growth, though. Growth is good, but a lack of growth is death.
Do you really think that it takes all of that research to be a Christian? If you tell me that one can gain all of the knowledge of the things you purport to know with just a daily reading of scripture, without all of the digging and research, I must disagree.
Perry. All knowledge of the Great and Awesome YHVH comes ONLY from the revelation of the Ruach haKodesh (Holy Spirit). Do not put the load of your research on someone else. You can use what the Spirit taught other people, but the Spirit that taught them resides IN YOU AS WELL if you're a believer in Messiah! Trust in that Spirit and study to show yourself approved! Gaining knowledge of the things of YAH is much like a tangent graph... it may seem like baby steps now, but as time goes on, you'll look back on your journey and you will give credit and glory to YAH because you'll be surprised at how far you've come and how much you've learned. Let YAH work in your life and KEEP READING AND STUDYING both Testaments.
While we all have time (or can at least make time) to read the scriptures, not everyone has the time (or can make the time) to perform the research that most theologians, bible scholars, and commentators have, and to be honest, most people may not even have the mental focus or the skills it takes to do that type of research and arrive at the level of understanding at which every commentator believes they have arrived.
I look at life and Scripture more from a Hebraic perspective than from a logistically western outlook. Therefore, I take great joy in knowing that the new day begins when the sun sets below the horizon. I also take great comfort knowing that the new month begins at the dark of the moon. Same concept: the dark begins a fresh new beginning; a dead man is brought to life with saving faith in Yeshua/Jesus (This explains why a person is considered unclean until evening... the arrival of a new day at dusk gives him a brand new, clean start.) This way of looking at the new day gives us the opportunity to give YAH the FIRSTFRUITS of our day, when we are at our brightest, chipperest, and our most awake. Give YAH this time, Perry, and give Him His Firstfruits, and see how He blesses you with grace and knowledge.
I am sure all great (and even more not-so-great) biblical scholars believe that their study was led by the Holy Spirit, and perhaps in many instances it was. But if that is so, how can we have Arminius and Calvin, both claiming to have been led by the Holy Spirit, yet arriving at two completely opposing viewpoints. How can the irreconcilable differences of the many "christian" organizations claim to all have been led by the spirit to the exclusive truth of scripture when they are diametrically opposed on so many points? God is not a God of confusion, and the Holy Spirit does not lead men down mutually exclusive paths.
These men (commentators) may have had the Spirit of the Holy One of Yisrael, but who's to say that every word they penned was YAH-breathed? "Goldenmouth" spoke from the very nephesh/soul of YAH with one tongue and was so vile and unclean with his other that I wonder about him sometimes. If you are a believer in Messiah, and I have no way to help you determine this unless I see YAH's fruit (yes, singular.. look it up) manifest in you. Your questions seem purposeful and Spirit led. Trust in that Spirit, Perry, and trust less in commentaries. Commentator's flesh will be seen defiling the pages in front of you more than the voice of the Holy One (the sale of books outweigh truth in many a tome). Read what the words say and believe what the words say. Do not read into the words until you UNDERSTAND the words (seems simple but few are able to practice this). Do not allow preconceptions to interfere with your ability to listen to the Spirit (this is hardest).
   Let me give you an example of having to throw away preconceptions. Bereshit/Genesis chapter Six tells us that the "sons of God" (Heb: Bnei Elohim) saw the daughters of the man (Heb. ha'Adam) -- <literally translated from the Hebrew>. If you read the average commentary, they say the "sons of God" were the fallen angels who slept with human female. Why? Because they are trying to explain the nephelim (which should be literally translated from the Hebrew as "Tall Ones"). With a misunderstanding of grammar in verse 6:4, we fuel this deceit by saying the reprobate offspring of this unholy union were the Nephelim. But let me ask you a simple question. What is the definition of Bnei Elohim (Sons of God)? Turn to John 1:12 for the answer... remembering that the phrase "children of God" is "Bnei Elohim" in the Hebraic mindset). Now, turn to Iyov/Job 1:6. What's happening there? Are fallen angelic agents presenting themselves to YHVH? If so, this creates another strange can of worms, but that's what commentators will tell you! However, the Bnei Elohim present themselves to YHVH whenever they fulfill the commandment to observe the festivals of YHVH in Leviticus 23 (paying close attention to the ownership of the feasts in verse 23:2).
When I read a commentary, including all of those opinions on TT, I cannot take it as the 100% truth, because men have agendas, preconceived notions, desires to see things a certain way, and most (if not all) commentaries are tainted by certain theological assumptions. For example, I find the futuristic view of dispensationalists to be flawed, yet the dispensationalists I debate are sure that theirs is the ONLY proper eschatological view, and most are willing to argue their futurist viewpoints to the death! Regardless of how sincere any commentator is when they produce their commentaries, they are always colored by their pre-beliefs. If I want to trust a commentary, then I have to go off and repeat the same research as the commentator, and I will most likely arrive at a different conclusion (depending on how persuasive an argument he has produced, and how astute I am as a bible scholar) because I do not have the same theological background or training that he has.
HalleluYAH!! Allow the Spirit within you be your teacher. Ask him to open your eyes, unplug your ears, give you eyes to see, remove the scales from your eyes, etc. By fellowshipping with others who are seeking the Truth, iron will sharpen iron and incorrect thinking and false doctrines will fall from all of us who truly seek YHVH with all our hearts. If we seek Him with ALL our hearts, He will reveal Himself to us.
I believe that there is a simple answer to this. I believe that the message is simple. I believe that our salvation and standing with God cannot be based upon our ability to do the deeper research necessary to arrive at many of the concepts that we discuss here on TT, and also that we cannot depend on the many commentators to reveal the truth to us, lest we find ourselves jumping through many man-made hoops to no avail. And, also, our salvation and eternal destiny cannot depend on whether we are Arminianists or Calvinists (or adhere to any other of the broad-ranging theological "formulas").
I saw such hope until you said, "I believe that our... standing with God cannot be based upon our ability to do the deeper research necessary to arrive at many of the concepts that we discuss here on TT." Oh, well. Perhaps you will listen to these passages and change your mind: Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth... My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shall be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law (Heb: Torah) of thy God, I will also forget thy children.
I have faith that God's tremendous grace and mercy have saved me, and I did not learn this by reading commentaries or by believing any man, or jumping through any hoop. It is an easy message to glean from the scripture. Even a topical reading reveals this. And, I think anyone who can read can read the Bible, or can hear a simple presentation of the Gospel from the Bible, can understand this. And the message is not difficult. Yes, I believe that the Holy Spirit is agent in the process of understanding and heeding this simple message.
Many of you now may be anxious to tell me that I have to be perfect (without sin), or that I have to observe the Sabbath, or that the Sabbath has been moved to Sunday, or that I have to be of a certain religion, or that I am still under the law, or that I have to be circumcised, or I have to circle the sanctuary three times before going into it, or that I have to participate in secret rites derived from occultic practices in a temple adorned with Masonic symbols, and a whole bunch of other stuff onto which you dearly hold. You each probably want to point out my error and place me on the "correct" (pronounced "your") path to salvation. Folks, it is not that complicated. None of these rituals or hoops can add one thing to the salvation Christ has already provided.
I would never tell you to do any ritual except GROW IN GRACE AND KNOWLEDGE by reading what's in that Book. In reading His Word, you will learn what the Books says, and you should apply everything that you read. Forget Baptist, Futurist, Munchausen-by-Proxy, Pharisee, Modalistic Monarchian stuff, and see what Scripture has to say. Allow Scripture to be your Biblical dictionary as I showed you above. It will WORK EVERY TIME. For practice, come up with a few definitions and post them to the group if you have time. What is the Biblical definition of Life, Light, Truth, and Stumbling Block. I think you'll be surprised at the three definitions for Light, the two definitions for Life, and the single definitions for Stumbling Block and Truth. May the revelation of those four definitions begin to assist you in your new-found way of studying Scripture. I will pray.
B'Or haTorah Nephesh
-- slade

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