[tslug] Re: Free Software Idea

2002-10-15 Thread Andrew Linsenbardt
I've been using Gaim since I started with Linux and it's gotten a _lot_ better since then... I haven't ever used the Windows equivalent, but if it's anything like the Linux version, I think it ought to be included. I honestly find it easier to use than Trillian, which I know a lot of people

[tslug] New Distro Suggestions

2003-11-03 Thread Andrew Linsenbardt
November 3, 2003 Hey, everyone... In light of RedHat's lovely announcement (http://www.newsforge.com/software/03/11/03/1657205.shtml?tid=150&tid=2&; tid=82&tid=94), I think now would be a good time for me to try moving away from RedHat for once and trying something new, since I've been using R

[fsck] Need Debian Help

2005-01-05 Thread Andrew Linsenbardt
January 5, 2005 So yeah, I've got a fully updated (as far as I know) Debian box running my website and I'd like to get phpWebsite installed on the system, however it apparently doesn't want to run because I have PHP 4.1.2 installed rather than the required 4.2.2. Is there an easy way to get t