Hi Siegfried,

See below


> For that, I am dynamically searching the Classpath to find classes
> implementing Job or StatefulJob. And showing the User the configured
> Triggers for these classes/Jobs, and let the user define new Cron

Mhmm, you would also expose the implementation details such as a service 
registering using the quartz schedule - not sure if this is good or not 
so good.

[JH>] actually this is just my generic scheduler configuration Screen, which
I present the users of my webapp. Since I want them to configure triggers
and jobs freely.

> I can think of 2 ways.
> 1.       Modify dispose, to get a list of Jobs, and Triggers, and
> and store them within their XML Configuration File Locations defined by
> component Configuration

Would be nice

[JH>] I will look into this then, and do some Proof of Concept work with
Unit Tests, and make sure that this works

> 2.       Leave the quartz Configuration to the user, and simply make
> read quart.properties upon initialization.

Not sure if I understand it correctly - how would you persist you 
scheduled job. AFAIK the quartz.properties just configures the Quartz 
engine itself but does not contain jobs and triggers.

[JH>] This suggestion would leave the configuration of jobs and triggers to
the user. If he wants quartz to use JobStoreTX, or plain text files, or
anything else quartz supports for job configuration

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