At 01:15 PM 11/26/2005 +0000, Sharky On PTNet wrote:

   I'm getting problems instaling Turbogears when easy_install try to
install cElementTree.

I have ubuntu breezy (5.10) with python 2.4.2. Any one can helpme with this?

I've just checked in a fix. The problem was that the pages contained links that look like download links (because they include as the last path part), but which are actually links to a CGI that lets you view the *contents* of the zipfile, as an HTML page.

The way that EasyInstall was sorting candidate links was causing it to prefer longer links over shorter ones, assuming that the two links appeared to be pointing to the same package, version number, and format. I've now changed it to prefer shorter links over longer ones, assuming all else is equal. And I've verified that this makes it ignore the CGI links and prefer the real download links.

You can upgrade your EasyInstall using:

    easy_install setuptools==dev

this will upgrade you to the latest revision from Subversion.

(Note: Windows users, please use " setuptools==dev", as easy_install.exe isn't currently able to updgrade itself without permission problems.)

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