Hi Kevin,

This sound good to me.  My validation_error code basically does just
that.  It converts the errors list into a dictionary and calls the
original method with an extra errors argument.

But, of course, that is just a hack.  You way is better and more integrated.

That said, while I do think that has_errors is redundant, passing in a
errors dictions to the function (which could just be
cherrypy.request.form_errors) would be, perhaps, a convenience and would
keep the visual cue that you mentioned losing.

I don't know if having what is basically a convenience alias is a good
thing (tm), though.

Hope this is the kind of feedback you are looking for.


Kevin Dangoor wrote:
> This came up in the thread about the forms package, but I just wanted
> to see if there were other opinions on this.
> So, the proposal is to:
> 1) deprecate validation_error. For now, if validation fails and you
> have a method, it will be called but a DeprecationWarning will be
> displayed.
> 2) if there is a validation error, your method will be called directly
> and the errors (if any) will be in cherrypy.request.form_errors
> It'll be up to you to check if there are errors, and an Invalid
> exception will never be raised when trying to get into a method.
> It seems fine to me, but I wanted to check other opinions.
> Kevin
> --
> Kevin Dangoor
> Author of the Zesty News RSS newsreader
> company: http://www.BlazingThings.com
> blog: http://www.BlueSkyOnMars.com

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