
I think this is good and simple to understand, but have some further comments inline :)

Raymond Feng wrote:

As the core moves away from using SCA composite to compose the Tuscany system, we have been working on a simple way to extend the Tuscany system.

1) Define an ExtensionPointRegistry [1]

public interface ExtensionPointRegistry {
<T> void addExtensionPoint(Class<T> extensionPointType, T extensionPoint);
   <T> T getExtensionPoint(Class<T> extensionPointType);
   void removeExtensionPoint(Class extensionPoint);

The extension point is identified by the interface. It can be defined by the Tuscany system or runtime modules. For example, BuilderRegistry, IntrospectionRegistry are two extension points.

I would suggest to rename these BuilderExtensionPoint and IntrospectionExtensionPoint. Also it would be good adopt a consistent pattern for these ExtensionPoints. I already started with some of these which now have addExtension / removeExtension methods.

2) The pluggability is contracted by the following interface: [2]

public interface ModuleActivator {
   Map<Class, Object> getExtensionPoints();
   void start(ExtensionPointRegistry registry);
   void stop(ExtensionPointRegistry registry);

Do we really need a Map? or can this just be an array?

The ModuleActivator represents a module that plugs into the Tuscany system. Each module should provide an implementation [3] of this interface and registry the implementation class by defining a file named as "META-INF/services/org.apache.tuscany.spi.bootstrp.ModuleActivator" [4]. The content of the file is the class name of the implementation. The implementation class must have a no-arg constructor. The same instance will be used to invoke all the methods during different phases of the module activation.

Can we rename this package to org.apache.tuscany.bootstrap. I think that we are currently using *.spi.* inconsistently, for example ModuleActivator is in an *.spi.* package, but BuilderRegistry is not, and both are SPIs, and finally all model interfaces are part of the SPIs too. Since pretty much all these interfaces are SPIs anyway, could we just remove the *.spi.* fragment?

During bootstraping, the following sequence will happen:

1) All the module activators will be discovered by the presence of META-INF/services/org.apache.tuscany.spi.bootstrp.ModuleActivator
2) The activator class is instantiated using the no-arg constructor.
3) ModuleActivator.getExtensionPoints() is invoked for all modules and the extension points contributed by each module are added to the ExtensionRegistry. 4) ModuleActivator.start(ExtensionRegistry) is invoked for all the modules. The module can then get interested extension points and contribute extensions to them. The contract bwteen the extension and extension point is private to the extension point. The extension point can follow similar patterns such as Registry. If it happens that one extension point has a dependency on another extension point, they can linked at this phase.

During shutting down, the stop() method is invoked for all the modules to perform cleanups. A module can choose to unregister the extension from the extension points.

Feedbacks are welcome.


[1] http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/tuscany/java/sca/modules/core-spi/src/main/java/org/apache/tuscany/spi/bootstrap/ExtensionPointRegistry.java

[2] http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/tuscany/java/sca/modules/core-spi/src/main/java/org/apache/tuscany/spi/bootstrap/ModuleActivator.java

[3] http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/tuscany/java/sca/modules/host-embedded/src/test/java/org/apache/tuscany/container/crud/CRUDModuleActivator.java

[4] http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/tuscany/java/sca/modules/host-embedded/src/test/resources/META-INF/services/org.apache.tuscany.spi.bootstrap.ModuleActivator

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