I don't think I can see the reasons for this without seeing the
schemas.  Here's a test case that passes for me ...

    public void test2SchemasWithSameNamespace() throws Exception
      HelperContext scope = SDOUtil.createHelperContext(true);
      URL url = getClass().getResource("/bank.xsd");
      InputStream inputStream = url.openStream();
      List types = scope.getXSDHelper().define(inputStream, url.toString());
      assertTrue(types.size() > 0);

      url = getClass().getResource("/bank2.xsd");
      inputStream = url.openStream();
      List types2 = scope.getXSDHelper().define(inputStream, url.toString());
      assertTrue(types2.size() > 0);



On 13/09/2007, sheng.yuan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I defined multi-XSD file with the same namespace, code as below:
> <!--begin-->
>          HelperContext hc = SDOUtil.createHelperContext(true);
>     List  list1 =
> hc.getXSDHelper().define(ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(SdoSampleCons
> tants.COMPANY_XSD), null);
>     System.out.println(list1.size());
>     List  list2 =
> hc.getXSDHelper().define(ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream("letter.xsd")
> , null);
>     System.out.println(list2.size());
>     <!--end-->
>     The first define action fulfill well, list1 contains the defined types.
> but list2 return empty. why?
>     I want to get the all defined types include the result of the first and
> the second define action,
>     how can I achieve it?
>     Any help would be greatly appreciated!
>                    Thanks !

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