Hi all,

I've a question on the usage of SDO datagraphs and the role of 

In our application suite, we have a large datamodel consisting of several 
hundreds of domain classes. Client applications typically want to download 
data of a subset of the model. However, the exact definition of this 
subset (i.e. which domain classes and which relations) can vary quite a 
lot depending on the application and also on configuration. We want to use 
SDO to exchange data between client and server.

To exchange data you need datagraphs. 
Datagraphs require types that define a containment tree. [I have the 
impression that this is in fact the definition of containment.]
Since clients can ask for very different subsets we need different 
containment trees. 
Containment is an integral part of a type, so we need also different 
types. So, we need also different types.
One option is to use different namespaces for each subset. This helps a 
bit. However, in our case we would have a huge amount of namespaces. Also 
since configuration can change the subset we would also need a kind of 
dynamic namespace that is not defined at development time. This is still 
kind of feasible, but it is already getting complex. Then there is also 
the issue that different namespace means different type, which is also not 
that nice.

What we are thinking of is some kind of extension to SDO to allow the 
specification of containment outside of the type definition. You can 
imagine this as providing a set of properties each time a datagraph is 
created. This set of properties would define the containment relation, 
i.e. the tree of data that defines the datagraph.

Any ideas about this? 
Is this still inline with the ideas of SDO? Has this kind of requirement 
already been discussed somewhere?


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