*Friends, Bangladeshis, Voters...*

As you know, the National Elections are near. Each and every Bangladeshi has
a responsibility and an important role to play in this election, more so now
than ever before. This election has come at a huge price, after 2 years of
suspended rights and liberties under a state of emergency. We can`t afford
another setback. We need to make sure we elect the right people to the
parliament so that we can restart our journey towards a functional

Jagoree is a youth platform that is trying to organize this new generation,
which constitutes nearly half of our voting population, to bring a
qualitative change in the politics as well as the policy-making process of
our country. Working towards that aim, Jagoree has organized an awareness
campaign regarding this election.

Jagoree has made T-shirts, printed leaflets, filmed a documentary, and is
conducting comparative analysis of the manifestos of the major political
parties - all in an effort to inspire and empower young voters to cast an
informed vote in the upcoming election.

Please support our cause in the following ways:

1. *Check out our leaflets* (download:
 , Bangla <http://www.jagoree.org/download/color_bangla.pdf>), try to *inform
your friends* and other young people in your community, and *organize
them*using the sources of information provided. For any support
running a
campaign in your community, contact us at jagoree...@gmail.com or call us at

2. *Read our Manifesto Analysis* - an analytical comparison of the major
parties' manifestos. Download: PDF
Version<http://www.jagoree.org/download/manifesto_analysis.pdf>| Word
Version <http://www.jagoree.org/download/manifesto_analysis.doc>

3. *See our short documentary* at http://www.jagoree.org/videogallery.html*

4. *Buy our T-shirts* (pictures here:
Call 01714-073-665 for the t-shirts.

5. *Visit our website *at www.jagoree.org regularly for updates on our

6. *Forward this message* to all your friends so that this important message
reaches them.

Looking forward,

Ubuntu Bangladesh mailing list

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