Hello ppl,
I am totally new to uClibc. I did search for my problem in the archives
but could not really find a solution.
My problem:
I wrote a simple program :

        #include <time.h>
        #include <stdio.h>
        int main()
            timer_t tid;
            if(timer_create(CLOCK_REALTIME, NULL, &tid) == 0)
                printf("timer created\n");
                printf("timer create failed\n");
            return 0;

I cross compiled it with:
        arm_v6_be_uclibc-gcc timerUse.c -lrt 
and ran the resultant a.out on a monta vista box
I got an error saying something to the effect of "Can't modify text
section. Use GCC option -fPIC for shared objects, please".
I looked into the config files and echo-ed out stuff in the makefiles
(esp Makefile.in in uClibc/librt) only to find out the CC variable is
set to arm_v6_be_uclibc-gcc only. Using this compile the os files are
I hardcoded "CC:= arm_v6_be_uclibc-gcc -fPIC"
and then re-compiled uClibc and the program as well and it ran perfectly
Now how and where do i make the config files to have fPIC set for the
cross compiler??
All help appreciated.
- Ben.
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