Drug abuse rampant in schools

Friday, 10th October, 2008

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A drug user sniffing cocaine
By Lydia Namubiru 

“WHEN you come to see me on Thursday, bring some cigarettes and weed for me 
please,” reads a text message from Mark a student of a Luwero boarding school. 
Mark, a son of a legislator in a neighbouring country, is sending the message 
to a friend of his who is about to join university. Weed is a word that 
teenagers use to refer to marijuana. 

Nineteen-year-old Mary (not real name), had more than a brush with drug use 
while in O’level between 2003 and 2005. 

“I started experimenting with drugs somewhere in S.2 during holidays. A group 
of Sudanese friends introduced me to cocaine. We used to take whatever we came 
across,” Mary recalls. After sometime, she started taking the drugs to school. 
The friends did not sell them to her but asked her to sell to others. “They 
would even visit me at school and bring some.” Over time, Mary introduced other 
students to the habit. 

One of those recruits, Judith, happened to be asthmatic. “The drugs used to 
affect her badly. She would get bad asthma attacks. It made me feel bad but my 
other friends were hardcore. They just encouraged her.” 

One day during the holidays, Judith took the drugs and got a fatal attack. For 
a full minute, Mary cannot speak. Sighing heavily she continues in a voice so 
shaky that she is barely audible. “Her parents called us and told us that she 
was sick and admitted to hospital. We all knew why she was sick. We went to see 
her. A few days later, she died. 

That was the turning point for me. I decided to quit that day. I felt so 
guilty. God this is so difficult …” Mary trails off. 
She was able to quit over a period of six months but today, two years later, 
she still breaks down while narrating the experience. “Many of my friends had 
abortions. Many times they slept with complete strangers after using drugs,” 
Mary recounts. 

Tom (not real name), a 19-year-old who just completed his S.6 vacation is still 
battling a drug problem that he picked up seven years ago. 

“We have a serious drug use problem in schools but it is a hidden habit. School 
administrators will tell you it is not there but when you interact with the 
students, they open up and tell you that a number of their colleagues are using 
drugs,” says Rogers Mutaawe, the programme officer at Uganda Youth Development 

“We have a very serious drug problem especially with young people. Most of the 
people we arrest for drug use are youths,” Robert Ojaba, the deputy head of the 
CID’s anti-narcotics unit, confirms. 
Interacting with teenagers in and around Kampala, Saturday Vision got many 
testimonies of drug use in schools especially in the upmarket private schools 
and in some leading government schools. 

“There is a student in my former school who is well known for being a drug 
dealer. His source throws the drugs over the fence and he distributes them in 
school,” says an S.6 vacist who was a prefect at a boarding school in Kibuli. 

According to Mutaawe, Ugandan students mostly abuse marijuana (cannabis) and 
alcohol. “Waragi packed in sachets is easy for them to conceal, it is cheap and 
readily available,”he explains. Possession and use of marijuana is growing in 

In 2006, the Police arrested 913 people in connection with marijuana. The 
figure went up to 1,138 in 2007 according to the statistics available from the 
anti narcotics unit. 

Ojaba says most of the people arrested were drug users aged between 15 and 35 
years. In 2006, 49 acres of marijuana plantations were destroyed, while 80 
acres were destroyed last year alone. Harder drugs like cocaine and heroine are 
not as readily available, although students said some foreign students use 

Students also revealed that kuber is a widely abused substance in schools. To 
ingest the drug discreetly, students normally place the sachet below their 

In some of the schools, guards, cooks and other staff members bring the drugs 
into the school and sell them to the students. A roll of opium on average costs 
sh1,000 and one can get fresh leaves of marijuana for as little as sh200. 

In one Entebbe school, students buy drugs from fishermen, according to a former 
student. Students also escape from school to buy the drugs or ask visiting 
friends to bring them in. 

“Where you have day scholars as well as boarders, the day scholars bring the 
drugs in. You cannot check every day scholar’s bag everyday,” Mutaawe says. 

Ironically, students take the drugs mostly during the day, because security is 
tight at night. 

Outside school, users get the drugs from both upmarket and shoestring hang 
outs. “Men with the stuff hang around popular hang outs. You just go over and 
ask one of them if they have the ‘other stuff’. If you speak Swahili, the 
transaction will be much easier,” one regular buyer reveals. He says in the 
upmarket hangouts, one often needs to be introduced to the dealer by an old 
user. But in areas like Bwaise, locals sell the drugs with little discretion. 

A teenager in Bugolobi reveals another trick. “You stand at the taxi stage with 
a sh1,000 note dangling from your fingers. Someone will notice, approach you 
from behind, press the drugs into your palm and take the note. 

Why students are abusing drugs 
The pressure to excel is one of the foremost reasons why students have turned 
to drugs according to Mutaawe. “During our intervention programmes, users say 
the drugs help them stay awake for hours so they can read long into the night. 
You know everyone these days wants their name in the papers,” Mutaawe explains. 

He also believes that the lack of co-curricular programmes contributes to drug 
problem. “Look at all these city schools housed in storeyed building without 
even a playground for the students to release stress or kill boredom by 
playing! That is why they are resorting to drugs.” 

On the other hand, student users, school administrators and police officers 
blame it on peer pressure. “One will see how drugs give another the courage to 
do extraordinary things like going to discos. He too would like to do these 
things without fear so he starts using the drugs,” Ojaba explains. 

The laxity of the law on offenders is also to blame. “The National Drug 
Possession and Abuse act is the mildest law we have in this country. It sets no 
minimum fine for offenders and a maximum fine of sh1m. Even this is at the 
discretion of the magistrate. Many times offenders just go off with a caution,” 
Ojaba laments. 

It is also worth noting that many drugs that students tend to abuse are not 
even classified as illegal by the law or the law allows room for oversights. 

Kuber is sold over supermarket counters, a young person in Uganda is never 
asked to prove his age before buying alcohol from any outlet, khat, although a 
brain stimulant is not illegal and there is no age limit on smoking. 

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