New Voting Systems Could Cause Problems in Swing States
Analysts are concerned about some of the new systems being implemented in key 
By Amanda Ruggeri 
Posted October 22, 2008

After its election's razor-thin margin necessitated the first recount, Palm 
Beach County took two weeks to account for nearly 3,500 ballots thought 
missing. When they were found, on shelves with the other ballots, many could 
not be interpreted. Voters seemed to find the ballot's brand-new format, in 
which arrows had to be connected, completely unintelligible. Some had checked 
or circled their answers; others wrote jokes in the margins; one covered the 
paper with lipstick kisses.
The first day of early voting in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. 

The 2000 mess? No. This Floridian fiasco occurred during the state's Aug. 26, 
2008, primary election. And a third round of recounts closed only six weeks 
before a general election in which, once again, Florida is expected to be a key 
battleground state. Heading toward November 4, swing states are feeling the 
pressure. Local officials say they have learned from past mistakes and that 
they are doing all they can to avoid glitches. Yet analysts are concerned, 
sometimes about the very improvements being implemented, such as new 
technologies and voting by mail. States to watch include Ohio, Colorado, and, 
of course, Florida.
High expectations. In counties including problematic Palm Beach, election 
officials are working seven days a week to prepare. "We don't see anyone 
twiddling their thumbs," says Doug Chapin, an election expert at the Pew Center 
on the States. With historic turnout of as many as 130 million voters 
nationwide, Chapin says the question becomes whether the system can handle the 
large number of voters.
One step many counties have made to improve the process has been to replace 
their voting systems. For the 2008 race, about half of all precincts will use 
machines that differ from those used in 2004. Combine that with a boom in new 
voter registrations in the swing states, and the number of voters unfamiliar 
with their precinct's equipment will be at an all-time high. Most of the 
changes are away from the touch-screen systems that caused controversy in 2004. 
Paper ballots, read with optical scans, ease recounts and are thought to be 
simpler for voters to understand. As a result, 55 percent of Americans will 
vote on paper this year, compared with 49 percent in 2006. Touch-screen machine 
use drops to 33 percent from 38 percent in 2006. This marks the first decline 
analysts have seen in the use of electronic equipment during elections.
In the meantime, more than half the states will test computerized statewide 
voter databases in a presidential election for the first time. Mandated by the 
2002 Help America Vote Act, the systems are meant to provide a uniform way for 
poll workers to check voters' registration status. But implementation was 
plagued by setbacks and glitches. Colorado completed its database just this 
year. Such last-minute changeovers may confuse rather than clarify the process. 
"Even if we could pick a best technology, which I'm not sure we can right now, 
if you didn't have time to get used to it, you're opening yourself up to 
problems on Election Day," Chapin says.
A shortage of machines or ballots is another worry. State laws on machine 
allocation are often vague, or in the case of Missouri and Pennsylvania, 
nonexistent, found a recent report by Common Cause and the Century Foundation. 
This year, most counties are ordering far more ballots than previously to 
prepare for the expected turnout. At the same time, county officials have 
pushed for early and absentee voting. This might help ease long lines, since as 
many as 1 in 3 ballots nationwide could be cast before Election Day, experts 
say. But absentee ballots could come with a price, because experts say they are 
more vulnerable than some officials are letting on. If an absentee voter does 
not fill out the ballot properly, the vote may be nullified. Mail-in ballots 
also take longer to process, which will cause delays if voters wait until the 
last minute.
Even if voters and officials alike are diligent, however, many worry about the 
sheer size of the election. For its 600,000 expected voters, Palm Beach County 
will need to track 1.2 million pages of ballots. "When you have that much paper 
and that many human beings all converging on one day, it is a recipe for 
problems. I'm not going to say disaster, but problems," says County 
Commissioner Mary McCarty.
Swing states are on high alert, but elsewhere elections also breed high anxiety 
because voters have no tolerance for errors on Election Day. Edward Foley, an 
election law professor at Ohio State University, says that expectation puts the 
system under "almost impossible anxiety."
That pressure is something that election officials are well aware of. "Are we 
feeling pressure? Of course," says Stephanie O'Malley, Denver Elections 
Division clerk and recorder. "But we're also feeling the desire to get this 
right on behalf of our voters." And getting it right on Election Day could be 
the difference between a close finish and a monthlong debacle.

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