Hehehe peter,
  Are you kidding me, or she is really your wife?
  I do not know you; I don't even know her save that she is the president 
secretary of sort.
  Well, that should say a lot about how much I know of my beloved Ugandan 
brothers and sisters.
  Your wife or not, happy belated x-mas and a joyous new year!

okurut simon peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  I sometimes fail to understand what my wife intends to imply, however, she 
might have been really sympathetic with the plight of those women but uses her 
literature/poetic language.
  Mrs. Okurut used to be a good lady and I still believe she can be good.
  Simon Okurut.

ocii <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    Isn’t MP Okurut a shame to Teso women every Christmas?
    It is easy to understand why in Ngora they are wondering, aloud, “Ijanakina 
cabo ijo akou!” (What is wrong with this woman?), while in Bushenyi they are 
equally puzzled, “ogu omukazi aryata?”  
  Five years ago, Mary Okurut dragged all Teso women including Hon Alice Alaso, 
Hon Agnes Akiror, Hon Rhoda Acen and Hon Florence Ekwau into collective shame 
when she announced, gleefully, that poor Ugandans who make over 90% of the 
population, were living once a year, on Christmas day.
  In her Daily Monitor article titled, “Repent sins all ye hate-mongers this 
Christmas”, published on December 21, 2002, she declared “Christmas has come to 
mean different things to different people. For the rural folk who have children 
and relatives in Kampala, they will be looking forward to the fact that the 
Kampala people are coming.”
She added, “The little people will be happy because that is probably the ‘one 
time’ soda will be in the house, flowing all over the place and yes, you got it 
right – ‘till next year’.
  “The women are excited because for many of them this is the ‘one time’ in the 
year they are assured of a new gomesi. Some will make their ‘annual’ visit to 
the saloon.”
And she continued, “Most people will make their “annual” visit to the church, 
sleep through the sermon and then get to the more important reason for coming 
to church that day: shake hands with the people that matter, display their new 
outfits and catch the eye of the priest.”
  Is any reader still unclear why in Teso they are wondering “Ijanakina cabo 
ijo akou!” while in Bushenyi they are also asking, “ogu omukazi aryata?”  Read 
Given that Ms Okurut was at the time the Press Secretary to Museveni, these 
statements amount to an official press release announcing that under President 
Museveni, Ugandan children and women had been reduced to a miserable existence, 
not life, once a year, on Christmas day!
  Conveniently, Ms Okurut omitted the fact that a small minority of children 
and women related to what the Vice President Gilbert Bukenya calls the “Mafia” 
were then, as now, enjoying Christmas everyday. While the children play with 
soda, their mothers and aunties keep on wearing a different “Yellow” gomesi 
everyday, and visit the most expensive saloons every week!
  Blinded by cruelty, Mary Okurut forgot that millions of Ugandans who depend 
on their relatives in Kampala were doomed then, as this Christmas, because 
their relatives will not be going home for Christmas because the cost of 
transport are beyond their meagre wages, if they are working at all.
  The cruellest thing of all was her failure to speculate on how Christmas 
would be for the orphaned Santa Acan and other 1.8 million children, men and 
mothers who were then, as now, living in concentration camps in Atiak and other 
places in the north and east.
However, unaware of the irony, Mary Okurut concluded, “But from several 
quarters hatred in our country is becoming an industry; a full time occupation 
for some people who thrive on it.” 
  “They (opposition) are going around the globe asking donors to cut aid to 
Uganda. They forget that this aid from the donors does not go into the 
president’s pockets. It is the peasants whom these people are fighting for they 
will die like flies because there are no drugs in hospitals.”
  And Ms Okurut descended into gutter of insensitivity by saying, “These 
(opposition) are the people who celebrate for days on end when Kony butchers 
the innocent and unarmed civilians and cooks them alive or forces them to have 
sex with corpses”.
  As another Christmas day comes on Tuesday, the 90% of Ugandans who will not 
afford even soda for their children or gomesi for their wives must join the 
people of Ngora and Bushenyi in asking, what is wrong with this woman?
  Was it the peasants who diverted to their pockets, not only money from the 
Global Fund to fight against Malaria, TB and HIV/Aids, but also the $4.3 
million from Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation (Gavi)?
  And was it the peasant who pocketed the $56 million from the sale of Coffee 
Marketing Board; the $800,000 bribe from the junk helicopter scandal; or the 
$100 million from the sale of Uganda Commercial Bank (UCB)?
  Or was it the peasants who pocketed the $9 million given to Mr Veluppillai 
Kananathan for Tri-Star Apparel; the Shs20 billion given to Hassan 
Basajjabalaba to rescue his private hides and skin company; or the Shs2.5 
billion given to former vice president Dr Specioza  Kazibwe to study in the USA?
  Why are Ugandan children and mothers either in the IDP camps on in their own 
homes having to live only once a year, on Christmas day, and yet the economy is 
allegedly growing at 6% a year and President Museveni has created “wealth for 
all” through his Bona Bagaggawale programme?
  Why can’t Hon. Okurut persuade the Daily Monitor to delete her monstrous 
article from their archives, and apologise to all poor Ugandan women and 
children for laughing at their misery this, and every Christmas day?

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