Ming x Ming= Ming squared!
Knowing African politics with its unquenchable want for Revenge, one can only hope that when the tables turn, those who have perpetuated acts of genocide against the people of Uganda, will not this time shout of "human  Rights violation when their turn comes!!!..and guess what NObody will listen to the UN!!!
It should be remembered that, hypocrisy and neglect by the UN and the West helped morale boost the perpetuation of the genocide in Rwanda as well as the massacres of over three million innocent civilians by Ugandan and Rwandan troops in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The Acholi have suffered for the last two decades while the world looked the other way. If the UN and the international community continue to ignore the plight of the Acholi people, it will not be a surprise. But the UN, the West and the international community should remember that, their practice of neglect and selective justice is unfair, genocidal and criminal to mankind.

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