Ugandan peace must not be abandoned

Thursday 4 December 2008 04:06.


By Isaiah Abraham
December 3, 2008 — The rebels of the Lord Resistance Army (LRA) and the 
Government of the Uganda have been engaged in peace talks for the past two 
years in the capital of Southern Sudan, Juba. Like any other peace talks and 
initiatives, the Uganda peace talks or negotiations had its ups and downs, 
especially the responsibility toll on the peace mediators, the UN Secretary 
General Special Envoy President Joaquim Alberto Chissano and the Chief Mediator 
for the host Government H. E. Dr. Riek Machar Teny Dhurgon, the Vice President 
of the Government of Southern Sudan. At the beginning of the talks, there was 
no much interest until after the level of violence by the LRA slowed down and 
the people in Northern Uganda and Southern Sudan started to break from fear for 
the first time after nearly 15 years. Thousands of internally displaced persons 
from Uganda and Southern Sudan began to return home. This has reduced burden to 
the two governments (The government
 of Uganda and Southern Sudan) in many ways.
Despite attacks in Western Equatoria Region/State, the insecurity caused by the 
LRA has significantly gone down. Peace then has been embraced and everyone 
wants the leader of the LRA to finally append his signature on the Final Peace 
Agreement (FPA) for Uganda. I also believe that the world especially the UN has 
demonstrated its commitment to ensure that peace return to Uganda and Southern 
Sudan. They have tried their best and are given a solute. The man to be 
credited for that difficult job is non other than the Chief Mediator H.E. the 
Vice President of the South Sudan (Dr. Riek Machar).
With all the odds he has navigated since this peace was initiated by the 
Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS) earlier 2006, His Excellency the Vice 
President is a concentrator and has a fixed mind on important things; some of 
his colleagues if not his boss were in the middle weary, frustrated and tired 
of going further when Joseph Kony was showing inconsistency in the peace talks. 
The Vice President must therefore not give up pursuing this noble cause. The 
Ugandan Peace Talks must not be abandoned and the reasons are: one, the cost of 
fighting the LRA would be too high than the cost of making peace. This is self 
explanatory, isn’t? Second, the South is going for two key important exercises 
next year and the year after. Our people need to have a long ‘rest’ from 50 
years of fighting the North. There is a need to have a peaceful environment for 
our people to go campaigning in the elections and the referendum.
Third, the SPLA reorganization and focus must not be stretched at this time; 
there are major issues the SPLA must be on stand by to address. Currently, the 
Messiriya and Baggara Arabs aren’t listening and with border disputes are 
becoming realities, the SPLA gallant force ought to be reserved to face the 
uncertain future at that border. You never know moreover what Darfur case has 
brought to the country; anything can happen and our men must be ready in case 
the North engineered ugly eventuality that might force out us to vote with our 
blood to the Eastern African block. The North is preparing but Oyai/Gat Mai are 
ahead and we want them even to be far ahead! Southerners sleep soundly, you 
have a future! SPLA Oyee!
Forth, the Great Lakes Region is volatile and unstable and therefore easy for 
other terrorist groups and enemies of Southern Sudan to exploit anarchy at the 
borders to advance enemy or their personal agendas. So long Arabs have money, 
don’t estimate the power of ‘gurush’, they can manipulate any group to cause 
our people more pain even that of assassination of another leader. Our own sons 
could do just that, not even an alien.
Fifth, the return and resettlement activities would be hampered and development 
projects stall. We have suffering people on the outskirts of Khartoum and other 
rich Sudan Arabs cities, who want to come home and if there no peace and 
progress as to services they will opt to remain there and get Islamized and 
Arabised. Sixth, South Sudan economic and education life line is Uganda; 
anything disrupting this lifeline would have economic and future repercussion 
to the people of Southern Sudan. Though there are unanswered questions and a 
clear scandal regarding the so called funding to students in colleges in Uganda 
by Hon. Martin Majut (South Sudan President Office Chief), we can still believe 
that they are children of Southern Sudan. Southern Sudan is too much and big 
for any small groups to lord it over if what we are hearing is true. It has an 
end. Seventh, strategically and politically; unrest in Uganda affects Southern 
Sudan directly or indirectly. We
 will feel the pinch once the government in Uganda is troubled by unrest.
Eight, our reputation as people of Southern Sudan through our leaders would be 
tainted, as this is the first time ever for an international activity Southern 
Sudan had committed itself in to it. If we can manage this responsibility, we 
are likely going to manage big things in the future. Am a very proud man as 
Southern Sudanese to have Dr. Machar manages this huge responsibility with 
maturity, calmness and forthright posture; he has shown the world that he’s 
more than just a Southern leader but an international one. If the agreement 
failed (which I think it must be allowed to), this image would be put to 
There are however challenges as to the above mentioned considerations- the need 
to keep the door opens for peaceful resolution for Ugandans conflict. One is 
cash. The sponsors of this peace talk might decide to dig no further into their 
pockets; where will the small government of Southern Sudan going to get money 
to buy food to the rebels, communication, transport, housing/accommodation, 
press/publication, conferences costs as well as food/entertainment services?
Second, how easy would it be to convince the International Criminal Court (ICC) 
to drop charges against Mr. Joseph Kony so to sign the FPA? The ICC is a huge 
obstacle and others don’t want to see this now, damn! Third, for how long will 
Southern Sudan allows its Vice President to be on Uganda Peace talks doing side 
show/extra jobs besides myriads issues under his care as second most powerful 
man on our land? President Kiir can’t be relied to do everything on his own; he 
looks slow and a feet dragger or being hand ‘drag’ by others. Forth, what if 
the UN pulls out completely to be part of the monitoring units supervising the 
cessation of hostility between the Ugandan People Defence Force (UPDF) and the 
LRA? Again what if the LRA start misbehaving like before, disregarding the FPA 
Cessation of Hostility Protocol?
In summary, everything is tricky yes but the best intermediary option is to 
keep alive that peace talk by: maintaining the process no matter the going 
(cost) and also start to implement reconciliation package leaving the security 
behind until the ICC drops its threats to arrest the LRA leader. Israel is 
right: a court without any appeal is isn’t a court. So, what is it? Hmmm! The 
Government of Uganda in this case must swallow its pride and face the ICC case 
head on. Defer the ICC warrant of arrest is a necessity. Dr. Machar must not be 
swayed by pressure internally and externally, after all peace is tried and is 
tested sweet. Talk! Talk! Dr. Machar and God will reward you; you have saved 
lives in Uganda and Southern Sudan.
Isaiah Abraham lives in Juba; he is on [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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