jonathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> re: test bootdisk 4.4:
> no drivers for cpqarray load at boot: no /dev/ida/c0d0. no drive.

This should be easy to debug.  Please run this command after the
failure and send me the output:

    lspci -n | grep 'Class 01'

> post-boot module load doesn't make the disk available; parted can't
> see it.

That is not surprising because loading the module does not create the
device nodes.  What does "ls /sys/block" show before and after you
load the module by hand?

> this is the same problem with the 4.3 linux boot disk. note that
> this module isn't included on the iso in the version of the 4.4
> testboot that i've got. it is on the 4.3 linuxboot.

That is strange, because that is not something which changed between
4.3 and 4.4.  In both cases, /lib/modules/.../cpqarray.ko is a symlink
to /z/linuxaux/lib/modules/.../cpqarray.ko, which lives out on the
install share.

> re: fdisk and smartarray drive.
> i've tried a variety of combinations of fdisk options with the dos-boot
> scripts, trying to preserve the compaq system partition, including
> wiping it and recreating space for it with fdisk (something like /pri:19
> /spec:18; /prio:2000 /activate 2) with various freedos versions up to
> ~1.3.
> nothing i've done, allows me to preserve the compaq partition.

Your best bet is to "partition by hand".  Then:

  1) Delete all of the partitions other than the utility partition.

  2) Create a new primary 4000M FAT32 partition.

  3) Mark it "active".

>From there, you should be able to format the drive and install without
too much trouble.

Hm.  It seems that many systems (Dell, Compaq) come with these utility
partitions nowadays.  And they are not easy to recreate once you
delete them.  Maybe we should have better support for preserving
them...  Call it a "to do" item.

 - Pat

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