On Thu, Feb 17, 2005 at 05:49:51PM -0500, Joe Clarke wrote:
>   [4 lines, 64 words, 404 characters]  Top characters: oinacslr
> How do you subscribe to this list?  Would posts looking for advice
> on house maintenance be an acceptable topic?

Apparently you're already subscribed, probably because you are sub'ed
to univcity.

You should post to univcity if you want replies.  The
univcity-announce list is for things for which you don't expect a
response.  Responses to univcity-announce go to univcity.

Note, though, that all mail to univcity-announce also goes to univcity.


 Jeff Abrahamson  <http://www.purple.com/jeff/>    +1 215/837-2287
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