On Tue, Feb 12, 2002 at 09:52:56AM -0500, John Ellingsworth wrote:
> You should, however, make sure that what you are seeing is nothing
> more than innocent loitering ;)

Especially before swinging baseball bats or breakings windows, which
are to be advised against in any case. Even if these guys are doing
something illegal, you'll be hard pressed to defend such behavior to
the police or to a judge. (I think--I hope--Andy was being facetious
there, anyway.)

But does anyone on the list have the expertise to comment on the
legality of fliering or videotaping people under such circumstances?
They are, after all, innocent in the eyes of the law, however
suspicious their behavior.

They could, indeed, be doing many things that are completely legal and
nothing at all illegal. You then run some real risk of being yourself
charged harassment, stalking, or what not.


 Jeff Abrahamson  <http://www.purple.com/jeff/>

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