The Dog side of the equation was a bit of a nightmare.
"Bad Dog" was still in the Owner's custody on 12/22.
A promise to impound was tendered by "Animal Control".  Of course they
stated "Dogs" plural, and no one wants "Good Dog" put down.  Good Dog
(also a Pit Bull) did not join in the frenzied attack, so risk of it
initiating a future attack seems minimal.
Victim Child reached age 7 on 12/24.  The incident is causing nightmares.
For her birthday she wanted a sense that she could safely walk to her
elementary school.  
Bad Dog lives on her route.  
Adults who love her were happy we could tell her that "Bad Dog" was
finally impounded on 12/23.
We know that Jannie Blackwell helped light a fire under Animal Control.
Jannie made immediate and detailed response to calls of 12/22, once
frustration with Animal Control spilled over.
We believe Bob Gasparro, John Fenton and UCD also helped achieved at
least temporary impoundment.
Now we seek assurance that the impound will do more than watch for signs
of Rabies.
We want a guarantee that the dog will not be released back into this, or
any other neighborhood.
There are many children walking to PIC and PAS, but none to spare.
Today's Inquirer has an article stating that Princess Anne's Dog killed
one of the Queen's Corgi's (4 months after attacking two children).  If
all the money and power of English Royalty, (with Groundskeepers and
secret service at hand) can't safeguard pets and children from the
smaller breed of Pit Bull, than we can not let this 90#er back on the
street to threaten our children, pets and frailer neighbors.

The good will, good neighbor side of the equation is sparkling.
Separately, a stranger and a friend delivered trays of yummy home made
cookies.  They arrived two days apart.  Tray 2 arrived after the last
crumbs were licked from tray 1.
A neighbor delivered a Casserole.
Other neighbors have walked the girls to and from school; done some
shopping; kept "Mom" company during the day; provided good reads for a
bored patient.
Attorneys have done research and sent reference materials and advice.
Family members completed painting and decorating of a child's bedroom, to
satisfy a Christmas promise.
The neighbor who provided sanctuary, phone, towels and water on the night
of the attack has called to offer further assistance if needed.
Even the owners of the dogs have been able to express their sorrow and
guilt in some gracious ways. The attack took everyone by surprise.  No
harm was intended.  But, damage was extreme.  Beloved pets are now seen
in a fearful light. We know the dog owners also have some suffering and
need some emotional healing.

As in most things U.C. the nuttiness quotient is always present.
Neither I nor the victims condemn dogs or even all Pit Bulls.
But there is hope that common sense will prevail.
In this case the combined weight of the two pit bulls probably exceeded
the weight of the woman who was walking them.  I know small children have
been well protected by larger dogs, but leashed dogs should be held by
folks who have a serious hope of controlling the leashes.

We all benefit from the synergy of good will.  I believe my friend a hero
and feel fortunate to have such a friend.  I marvel at the thoughtfulness
of neighbors.  I know that a delightful child is still with us by the
grace of God and a well made coat.  And, I trust that others are sharing
in the joy of recovery of the health and spirits of the family mauled in
an unprovoked attack.  Sometimes it takes danger or pain to generate
appreciation for those things we often take for granted.

I know I am blessed and happy to be living, loving, working and
worshipping in University City and I hope each of you has some
opportunity to enjoy the blessings of the season (even if just the
Federal Holiday benefit of it :-) ) and I wish you all a happy, healthy
and prosperous New Year.

Elizabeth  Campion
Neighbor, PENN Grad '77 & Real Estate  Broker;
    Direct & VM: 215-790-5653 
    Cell Phone: 215-880-2930
    Private mail to : 
        P.O. Box 23632
        Phila, Pa 19143
        MailTo:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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