Anyone get barcodes to print/scan on a Mac?

2007-09-16 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Not on a Mac, but on Linux, but the issue might be the same. The problem might be the start/stop character. When you use a TT barcode font you have to manually put in the start/stop character. In Windows it is ! and in Linux its *. I've done this fine with a 3of9 free font from

RealBasic pulls MySQL support

2007-09-12 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Why does it matter? May be missing the point? There is still a plugin, you can still use it, no? Its still supported by who look like a competent team. What would the marketing message be, were one to try to exploit this? On the implied issue in the background here, its not clear that

Well guess what? Guess what? Congratulations and Welcome!

2007-09-08 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Yes, its 2.9 Beta for Linux. It will not be necessary to say more. It will not be possible anyway, since I'm off to play with it. This is great news, thanks and congratulations to everyone. Peter ___ use-revolution mailing list

Persistence options in standalones

2007-09-04 Thread Peter Alcibiades
On Linux you end up with two distinct files, the main and the sub. This isn't what worries me however. At the moment, the data file in one case is getting to a few tens of thousands of records, and I am seriously worried about robustness if either stored in a stack or exported to a csv file.

The Beta 2.9 question again.

2007-08-31 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Joking apart, there is a very serious question about this for Linux users. I mean, those of us on Linux exclusively, not those who have the Linux version incidentally as part of the Enterprise package. 2.6.1 was great in its day, but the alternatives have moved on a lot in two years. As

The Beta 2.9 question again.

2007-08-30 Thread Peter Alcibiades
As Wittgenstein memorably said, or maybe it is what he memorably should have said, or maybe it was R D Laing who memorably said it: If you can't say it, you can't say it - and you can't dance it either. Peter ___ use-revolution mailing list

Send email with attachment

2007-08-27 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Bill writes This would be for Mac and Windows now and Linux when Rev 2.9 comes out Maybe use Mutt or Metamail from the shell, and not have to wait? Peter ___ use-revolution mailing list

Re: How am I supposed to answer a Post???

2007-08-20 Thread Peter Alcibiades
The thing I would love to know is: how do you reply to a post and make it threaded? If you get the digest, and if you do Re: - as done above, then it appears as a new thread. There must be some way to make your replies appear in the right threads, while replying to posts from the digest

Standalones as CGI

2007-08-15 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Andre, that was pure genius with Xvfb! Amazing! Peter ___ use-revolution mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription preferences:

Command private

2007-08-09 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Sarah writes The only problem is that if I publish a stack, it won't work for anyone who doesn't have version 2.8.1 I wouldn't worry about it. There can be very few people who are using Linux exclusively and so are limited to 2.6.1. For us, either the update to 2.9 is going to come soon, in

ANN - The Tree Manager libIMEDTreeManager version 1.2

2007-07-27 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Windows and Mac only, of course. Peter ___ use-revolution mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription preferences:

ANN - The Tree Manager libIMEDTreeManager version 1.2

2007-07-27 Thread Peter Alcibiades
I downloaded, and got the message 'problem opening this stack' when opening from within Rev, and it doesn't offer the choice of Rev86 as an option to use when opening, if you right click. Usually this means that its not compatible with 2.6.1. Well, that's always been the problem. Pity,

Valentina Ubuntu Live 2007 Special Offer

2007-07-23 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Lynn, Is the Rev version for Linux going to be compatible with both 2.6.1 and also 2.9, whenever 2.9 for Linux comes out? And I assume that if it is Ubuntu compatible it will work on any Debian based distribution? How about rpm based ones too, such as PCL? Thanks Peter

Why Save the Mac Mini

2007-07-15 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Oh dear, I have been biting my tongue for days on this one. And if only the thread would stop, I'd have succeeded in keeping quiet! Look, here is what I don't get: the combination of poor organizations, running Rev, and Minis. In fact, it seems positively grotesque. If what you want is to

the last newsletter....

2007-07-14 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Yes, its looking very good. It was getting to be essential to have some communication on it, and this is most encouraging. The Gtk dialogues will greatly improve the end user experience. Looking forward to this one. Thanks to Heather for the update. Peter

for anyone curious about Linux byond Ubuntu...

2007-07-12 Thread Peter Alcibiades
To install new software, you would normally use Synaptic - Elive is standard Debian. Its in the control panel (the one part of Elive that I find aesthetically really jarring). The interesting question raised is about usability. E17 is very different from the standard model. The

running OSX 'legally'

2007-07-12 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Its commonly said that running OSX on a non-Apple branded box would be running it not legally. But this is not true of course. It would be running it in violation of the Eula - but there is nothing illegal about this. It might be in violation of a valid contract, which is quite a different

Why Save the Mac Mini

2007-07-12 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Hi Bill, We note that you have: -- XP Pro -- Vista -- MacOS on your desk, and that's great. But, echoing Sherlock Holmes: Did you notice, Watson, the curious thing about the Linux on Bill's desk? But, Holmes, there was no Linux on Bill's desk. No my dear Watson, and that is the curious

for anyone curious about Linux byond Ubuntu...

2007-07-09 Thread Peter Alcibiades
The direct download link, or one of them, is: I agree to some extent - the request for donation or contribution could be done rather better, and there's been some correspondence about this on distrowatch and OSNews. But I

OT: for anyone curious about Linux byond Ubuntu...

2007-07-06 Thread Peter Alcibiades
For anyone curious about Linux, and who has not yet gone beyond Ubuntu, elive, one of my favourite projects, has just reached their 1.0 release. This is about as amazing a visual and desktop experience as you can get, and what you might have expected from a developer with the name of

OT: for anyone curious about Linux byond Ubuntu...

2007-07-06 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Richmond - Q: What does it have that Ubuntu with E17 doesn't? A: Thanatermesis! I notice that they are asking for a small donation for the download - which I'm happy to give as recognition for having got to 1.0, since I've a soft spot for them, and think its amazing what they have done

AW: The Art of Dissolving Splash Screens

2007-07-02 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Yes, the same thing works in Linux standalones compiled in Linux. You just open the 'other' file, the non-splash substack, in the IDE. Then save, no need to recompile. Doesn't work for the main stack of course. But who cares, since it only calls the substack which does all the work. Very

type ahead search and typing speed - thanks!

2007-07-01 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Guys (Jacque and Ken) - Thanks so much for immediately sending an 'classic' version. Its typical of what makes the list such a pleasure! Peter ___ use-revolution mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe,

type ahead search and typing speed

2007-06-30 Thread Peter Alcibiades
You know, I was looking forward to this one. I've wondered how to implement it, and here was a case where an expert had done it, so there would be something to learn. So I downloaded and prepared to study. However, it being in 2.7+, the stack is inaccessible to Linux users, who are still

OT: security, wireless hacks and more paranoia....

2007-06-29 Thread Peter Alcibiades
I would install a honeypot using Schroder as a guide. Log everything. Get the important stuff off wireless. It will be instructive, and you'll find out. Peter ___ use-revolution mailing list Please visit this url to

Linux and After

2007-06-28 Thread Peter Alcibiades
It would be better not to indulge in any more personal attacks on people, the state of their software, their color sense, or attack the categories you think they belong to. This is where we came in, and it led to a mess. It is completely unhelpful. What would be very helpful is if Rev felt

Documentation and Parental Cruelty

2007-06-24 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Is there a model or models for documentation? Yes, there are several in the world of Python. Hetland's book Beginning Python from Novice to Professional is a model of how to do it for quite a wide range of people. It has the quality which Judy Perry speaks of: nothing is introduced without

Hierachical listfield

2007-06-22 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Very nice. Have only played with the demo, not used it in anger, but it looks great: does one small thing, and does it perfectly. Well, maybe not perfectly, but very well. Peter ___ use-revolution mailing list Please

Notes without comment

2007-06-21 Thread Peter Alcibiades,,2107239,00.html ___ use-revolution mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription preferences:

Where do I find Revonline?

2007-06-17 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Problem with 2.6 format is Linux/Unix users can't upgrade. If the upgrade comes out soon it won't be an issue. If its much longer delayed, it is. ___ use-revolution mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe,

Impressed: it has been years since I've been hacked this well :(

2007-06-16 Thread Peter Alcibiades
David, do you have wifi? Its surely the only plausible way of getting root access through a firewall to OSX in the absence of physical access? Peter ___ use-revolution mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe,

Where do I find Revonline?

2007-06-16 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Dom writes I tried to download some stacks from the user spaces -- works almost always flawlessly, but in some cases no stack is downloaded, with no warning... Is this because the stacks are written in a later version, ie 2.7 or later? This has always been the explanation when its happened to

Where do I find Revonline?

2007-06-16 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Dom writes I tried to download some stacks from the user spaces -- works almost always flawlessly, but in some cases no stack is downloaded, with no warning... Is this because the stacks are written in a later version, ie 2.7 or later? This has always been the explanation when its happened to

Impressed: it has been years since I've been hacked this well :(

2007-06-15 Thread Peter Alcibiades
David, do you have wifi? Its surely the only plausible way of getting root access through a firewall to OSX in the absence of physical access? Peter ___ use-revolution mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe,

Impressed: it has been years since I've been hacked this well :(

2007-06-15 Thread Peter Alcibiades The great Carla Schroder has a very amusing and practical couple of articles on how to not only secure your wireless, but by a bit of tinkering, to track whether anyone is interested and have a bit of fun at the same time. Peter

Asynchronous upload via post?

2007-06-12 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Not exactly sure what you want to do but and woof might be interesting. You need Python installed for woof. I was thinking about using woof over a LAN, but on the whole a usb stick seemed it would take less of a toll on the users Peter

Hobbyists vs Pros

2007-06-11 Thread Peter Alcibiades
End of the day, you can call me and my platform all the names you want. Half-baked, hobbyist, socialist, whatever. Doesn't help a bit. Bottom line is, we're two releases back and incompatible formats. I've signed up twice now for non-existent betas and once bought a package that didn't

Ground Control to Revolution

2007-06-10 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Scott writes:- Two thumbs up for commercial solutions and not some half baked, half whacked, half completed and half bug tested open source solution that the author may or may not get back to finishing one of these days... maybe...if I feel like it, which phase is the moon in, who won the world

open source and the linux version

2007-06-07 Thread Peter Alcibiades
The reason for the economic power of the open source model is the possibility of derivative works. This is the underlying reason why, were one consulting to Rev, it would be one alternative one would advise exploring in depth. Not necessarily going down that route in the end. But certainly

Imagine a world in which HyperCard had been open sourced 20 years ago?

2007-06-07 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Look, I don't want to get us off into off-topic flame wars, and I don't think necessarily that going Open Source is the answer for Rev, or that it would have been for HC. Its worth serious consideration is all I would argue. But you have to say that these remarks really misrepresent the Open

Don't you just wish Rev would do this?

2007-06-05 Thread Peter Alcibiades
David writes: Both are much much harder in my environment with a pure closed source solution - and it is getting harder. The issue really is powerlessness, not just against the supplier, but against events beyond the control of the supplier. Hypercard showed one form of this very clearly.

Another vote for sdb!!

2007-06-01 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Yes, this is another vote for sdb! Do we need to make a small contribution to get it hosted someplace? You can't whet our appetite and then not let us have a try! Peter ___ use-revolution mailing list Please visit

Threading and Software Companies

2007-05-31 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Maybe silly question, but is there any way to do threading properly if you are reading the list from the archive? I've been unable to get the list mailings through my ISPs spam filter, so read the archive on the web. But when you respond, even if you use the right subject header, or put re in

All this talk about DataBases - but how to select?

2007-05-31 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Well first of all, thanks yet again to Jacque for Find and Mark and Scroll through - wonderful, thanks! Another of these things which are totally obvious the minute you read them, and which you would never have found for yourself. Here is what I don't get though about Richard's approach.

All this talk about DataBases

2007-05-30 Thread Peter Alcibiades
And think about it: since every Rev object has multiple property sets, and a stack can have any number of cards, and cards can have groups, etc. -- all this means you can have richly hierarchically-ordered data sets using just custom properties. Hierarchies reflect much of the world's

sqlite question

2007-05-28 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Hi all, I have created an sqlite database with that wonderful tool, sqlitebrowser, and got my data into it by hacking it into a csv import with regular expressions. So far so good. Now, how do I connect to it from rev? The revdb commands only seem to work with Mysql. Do I have to go out

Revolution 2.8.1: a 240+ bug fixes/improvements! What about the remaining 1879?

2007-05-18 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Chipp, I think you may be drawing the wrong lesson. Of course the bug you mention is not useful. The problem is that the database contains it. That tells you something. Bill's remark, that the database contains lots of stuff that is already fixed also tells you something. Its good news and

Has the Community Beta lost its way?

2007-05-15 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Just one observation: as far as Linux users are concerned, it has not yet started. Now, if you're on Mac or Windows, apart from the fairly small limitation of not being able to compile in 2.7 mode for Linux, you are basically OK. You might have issues about quality, but you're getting

Python Samples stack

2007-05-12 Thread Peter Alcibiades
I can view it but not go to it. Is this due to being on 2.6.1 Linux? Peter ___ use-revolution mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription preferences:

Tiny, but fast hardware for running Rev app

2007-05-06 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Lex lite, using the Via C3 processor. Not cheap, not fast (500mhz in the fanless form). But, you can run it off a compact flash card, you could as Bob says put Puppy or DSL or a stripped down Debian with Fluxbox on it, or Fluxbuntu. You could net boot it. And its small. External psu,

valentina link

2007-05-05 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Anyone else tried this? Doesn't work for me. Peter ___ use-revolution mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription

Clause in the Valentina License

2007-05-05 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Thanks for the link. I always read license agreements before installing, and came on the following: EXPRESS LIMITATIONS ON WORKS THAT CONVERT VALENTINA DATABASES. If your Work includes the ability to extract data from a Valentina Database and then transform, translate or convert the

re: Clause in the Valentina License

2007-05-05 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Years ago at a now forgotten company a whimsical older manager was starting up a first class on databases. What, he asked, is the most important thing to consider when inputting data into an application? We young fellows stumbled around for a while, as you can imagine. Finally he delivered

Printer to print UPC barcodes

2007-04-28 Thread Peter Alcibiades
We print on A4 sheets of labels using a standard laser printer (kyocera), and use two ways. Method A is use a barcode and label generation package. kbarcode is an example that is free under linux, but there are others that do the same thing under other systems. What you get here is (i) the

Default button placement in Linux GUIs

2007-04-18 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Jacque wrote: Do Linux apps ever invent their own interface entirely, or do they tend to stick to one of the various distro conventions? (Would it matter, for example, if my answer dialog was bright pink and had its OK and Cancel buttons at the top?) Cautiously, because I'm not a developer

Default button placement in Linux GUIs

2007-04-17 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Does the Rev engine provide a way to determine which window manager it's running under in Linux? If not, how can we reconcile this issue if we want to deploy our apps to either window manager? Consider the environment your users are in, and don't worry about it - just adopt one style or the

Default button placement in Linux GUIs

2007-04-17 Thread Peter Alcibiades
But Richard, my point is a slightly different one. Leave aside what we think of HIGs - my own reaction to the Gnome guys, unlike yours, is total incomprehension. But leave this aside. This isn't really the issue. The issue is, even if you are using Ubuntu, and are using Gnome, odds are you

Odd behaviour from revMail, why?

2007-04-14 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Sounds like it would be best to roll your own by sending a command to the shell. If you can control the platform its running on, this will be reliable and do exactly what you specify? Peter ___ use-revolution mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please

revMail bug report

2007-04-14 Thread Peter Alcibiades
I reported this as a bug, #4693. But if anyone wants to do emailing in anger on Linux, the right thing is probably to use the shell mail command, which is documented at Its easy to see why mailto will not work very reliably if you have a

Odd behaviour from revMail, why?

2007-04-13 Thread Peter Alcibiades
I got the attached from the dictionary, cut and pasted it, and only changed it to make Field1 a real reference to a real field on the test card. When I use it, the first thing that happens is Firefox opens. Then Kmail opens. It shows [EMAIL PROTECTED] as the address, but nothing else is put

Linux installation

2007-04-07 Thread Peter Alcibiades
The only part of this I'm certain of is the desktop icon/link In terms of icons on desktops, it is not the window manager that counts. If you put the application into /opt and put an link and associated icon into /home/user/Desktop, in whatever WM they are using, if it supports icons on

Linux installation - menus

2007-04-07 Thread Peter Alcibiades is probably the first place to go for how to do menus independently of WMs. Peter ___ use-revolution mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and

revMail attachments question

2007-03-29 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Is it possible to use the revMail command so as to send not just an email, but the email with an attached file? My app is doing backups of the data file on the local machine, but it would be really neat to be able to send a backup automatically by email to an offsite machine. Save a lot of

Getting Fonts to display correctly in Linux

2007-03-25 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Jacque wrote: It would be great, if you know it, to hear whether there are any universal fonts or font settings across distros. I think the font issue is one of the biggest that cross-platform stack developers would need to address. ___ First, the way

Re: Family punchups

2007-03-24 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Yes, fonts are an issue. In rev itself, on Debian, fonts don't seem to work completely properly. But yet they work just fine on Mandriva. I don't know why. Its not surprising there is an issue with compiled applications in some distros. My own little app, its written on Debian and then

developing on linux part 1

2007-03-24 Thread Peter Alcibiades
I was emboldened to write this by Ken Ray's post - otherwise I'd have felt I was teaching my grandmother Hope it helps anyone who is sophisicated in rev but naive in Linux. Peter __ The thing to understand first is the

developing for Linux part 2

2007-03-24 Thread Peter Alcibiades
I forgot to mention one other very important aspect of the Linux environment: forking. Because its all GPL, the source code is out there. If a team or person doesn't take 'their' program where users want it to go, or think it can or should go, they can just take the code and do it themselves.

Re: developing on linux part 1

2007-03-24 Thread Peter Alcibiades
I checked to be sure. Started up Gnome, KDE and Windowmaker and fired up Rev and the same stack in them all. What happens is that the borders and window colors change according to the environment. So if, for instance, you've set your KDE theme to Sun, you'll see the purple surround on the

Re: Family punchups

2007-03-23 Thread Peter Alcibiades
I do understand Richard's point of view about Linux, though without sharing it, but if you all are not Linux users, but increasingly perhaps write for them, you should be aware that there is a very distinctly different point of view among a large section of them. This point of view feels that

Re: MatchText, MatchChunk and the needle in the haystack

2007-03-21 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Can you do it with a text editor and regular expressions? I'm genuinely diffident about asking, because you all have so much more experience that if it were this easy, you'd have suggested it. But anyway, is there something wrong with the following? I made up a fragment of a file like this

Re: Do you Ubuntu?

2007-03-21 Thread Peter Alcibiades
The problem with running on MacIntels in Parallels is, that virtualisation on Macs cannot be the future Linux market for Rev. The market has to be, assuming it exists, people running Linux on off-the-shelf PCs. So I would get a cheap base unit and a kvm, and put a few distros on in multiboot

Re: MatchText, MatchChunk and the needle in the haystack

2007-03-21 Thread Peter Alcibiades
There is a wonderful book I just found for this sort of thing, and am working through: Minimal Perl, by Tim Maher. Awk is great, terse, powerful, but a bit opaque. And more up to date people always seem to talk about using Perl for what awk always was used for. Well, if you ever felt you

Re: Do you Ubuntu?

2007-03-20 Thread Peter Alcibiades
No, I use Debian (and Mandriva 2006 on end user machines, though come upgrade time I'll probably move them to PCLinux). Tried Ubuntu without being impressed. But it depends what you are looking for - Ubuntu gives you the end user commercial OS experience - take it out of the box and they

scrollbars on disabled fields

2007-03-18 Thread Peter Alcibiades
How do you make a scrollbar work on a disabled field? The user should be able to scroll up and down to review the contents, which are periodically updated from another part of the wood, but not be able to select or edit them. But it seems that picking disabled from properties prevents this.

Re: scrollbars on disabled fields

2007-03-18 Thread Peter Alcibiades
On Sunday 18 March 2007 08:05, Peter Alcibiades wrote: How do you make a scrollbar work on a disabled field? Sorry, very silly question. You do it by lock text property and enabling the field of course Peter ___ use-revolution mailing list

Re: Linux-specific technical problems

2007-03-13 Thread Peter Alcibiades
A lot of the problem is communication. Linux is still on 2.6.1, unable to open current format stacks, no altsqlite, no altbrowser or altfont. No Valentina of course. No Media. Meanwhile the other platforms have moved on a couple of releases. The last post on the forums was November,

Re: Revolution, Linux and Valentina

2007-03-07 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Yes, good questions all! It would be really nice to have some communication, if only of the form, its difficult, and we are thinking what to do about Linux. You don't have to have a Linux version. It would be quite understandable not to. It doesn't have to be exactly in step either. But

prevent too fast typing, how to?

2007-03-07 Thread Peter Alcibiades
I'd like to do the following. If 000 is typed at superhuman speed, only the first 0 should make it into a field. But if 000 is typed at normal human rates, all three should. Can you think of any way to do this? The problem is a keypad with a 000 key right next to the 0 key. All it does is

Re: prevent too fast typing, how to?

2007-03-07 Thread Peter Alcibiades
On Wednesday 07 March 2007 18:10, Jim Ault wrote: Try trapping the 'rawkey down' code for the '000' and see if you can just substitute the '0' This is my problem, I can't figure how to do this. Because I've used xev to find the keycodes, and what is happening is, 0 sends 90, and 000 sends 90

Re: prevent too fast typing, how to?

2007-03-07 Thread Peter Alcibiades
- gTicksLastGoodKey if it gMinKeyDelay -- too short, don't pass the keystroke else put the ticks into gTicksLastGoodKey pass rawkeydown end if end rawkd Jim Ault Las Vegas On 3/7/07 12:29 PM, Peter Alcibiades [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Wednesday 07 March 2007 18:10, Jim Ault wrote: Try

Re: XP and Vista question

2007-03-06 Thread Peter Alcibiades
In my own dream, I did it too, and a few days later MS showed up with a writ summoning me to court for my crimes and misdemeanors. I publicized the event massively. There was a huge groundswell of support which bought me the most expensive lawyers in the EC, and when the case came to trial it

Re: XP and Vista question

2007-03-03 Thread Peter Alcibiades
I doubt whether the restrictions on virtualisation are valid and legally enforceable. If you have bought a retail copy of Vista, I believe MS will have no legal authority to tell you what you can and cannot run it on. This is because, at least in the EU, post sales restrictions on use are

Re: Can REV create Excel files?

2007-03-03 Thread Peter Alcibiades It evidently can be done. On Friday 02 March 2007 19:58, Richard Gaskin wrote: Jim Ault wrote: As far as I know, there is nothing in Rev that would easily allow an xls format to be written, even with binary

XP and Vista Question

2007-03-03 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Joe, go to for more enlightenment. I'm less enthusiastic about Ubuntu than Richard, preferring the Debian that it is based on. Some distributions: When you know what you want: Debian. For beginners - PCLinux For minimalists or those wanting to learn Linux in detail:

Re: If statements vs case

2007-03-01 Thread Peter Alcibiades
This is perfect - clear succinct and very useful, and exactly what naive users mean when they find the documentation a little sketchy. Its having to work out stuff like this by hand from the dictionary and then get it down in notes someplace. Thanks. But... why not get it into the online

Re: Bar Code Generation and reading

2007-02-28 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Thanks very much for the replies. After trying some of this, and after some help from the kbarcode author, it seems to be down to how I was saving copying and printing. Maybe this will be useful to someone else struggling with this stuff. Kbarcode is a wonderful tool - it generates codes of

Bar Code Generation and Reading

2007-02-28 Thread Peter Alcibiades
OK, victory! In the interests of saving anyone else a struggle... When, in Linux, you install a bar code font into OO using spadmin, it doesn't work. The font looks like it is there but it isn't. What you have to use is kfontview. This less than obvious tool opens up a window so small that

Well done by someone....!

2007-02-27 Thread Peter Alcibiades ___ use-revolution mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription preferences:

Bar code generation reading

2007-02-26 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Wonder whether someone with experience of bar codes could help with this - Sarah?? My bar code reading app now finally seems to work, and the reader is on a Y connection with the keyboard (so called Wedge). All the commercially printed codes I've tried work fine, even the most tiny ones, or

Re: Storing Arrays in Custom Property

2007-02-25 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Jim Ault writes: I have uploaded a stack (Rev 2.7.2) in the following user area jault - Custom Property Examples Would it be possible to make this available in 2.6.1 version? This is the only version those of us using Linux have access to. Private email attachment would be fine too. Peter

Re: Alt-things re-uploaded, more

2007-01-27 Thread Peter Alcibiades
OK, did all this to the best of my ability. 1) Put the downloaded file into an Externals folder in the top level Rev folder. The file is SQLite3Demo-1.rev. Is this what it should be? Its what there was to download. 2) Start up Rev, new mainstack. 3) set externals of the stack to the

Re-2: Alt-things re-uploaded, more

2007-01-27 Thread Peter Alcibiades
No, it doesn't work. The file will not open from within Rev. The file will not run as a shell script. Yes, I have set it to executable, and yes I have tried as root and as root in root's environment. Is this possibly due to the install being 64bit Linux? I will have a go on a 32 bit

Re-2: Alt-things re-uploaded, more

2007-01-27 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Its not 32 vs 64 bit. Same exact message, unable to execute binary. Still on Debian Etch, but this one is 32bit on a laptop. Maybe I'm doing something wrong with invoking it? I just cd to the directory, which is the Externals directory I created in the Rev top level directory, and then do

Re: Re-2: Alt-things re-uploaded, more

2007-01-27 Thread Peter Alcibiades
On Saturday 27 January 2007 13:07, Andre Garzia wrote: Peter, go to your message box in rev and type: answer file where's it?; go stack it then select your SQLite3Demo.rev. Andre, thanks for the suggestion, did this. The response is, not a stack. Which tallies with what Rev says, that

Re: Alt-things re-uploaded

2007-01-26 Thread Peter Alcibiades
It would be very nice if someone could post some instructions, even one or two lines, on how to (a) install these things (b) use them, under Linux. The Linux versions consist of three .rev files. The documentation tells you what to do with either the Windows or the Mac versions, but there are

Re: Alt-things re-uploaded

2007-01-26 Thread Peter Alcibiades
One other thing I tried was to open them from within Rev. You can't. Peter ___ use-revolution mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription preferences:

Re: Alt-things re-uploaded, more

2007-01-26 Thread Peter Alcibiades
And another thing was, open a stack, then set the externals of the stack to one of them using the properties popup. This was sqlite. Again, no effect that I can see. Maybe if there is a user guide someplace on the commands it would be possible to try sending a few commands to the external

the alt plugins on Linux

2007-01-24 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Has anyone got them to work, and if so how? Peter ___ use-revolution mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription preferences:

many thanks for everyone's help on find

2007-01-19 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Many thanks, very helpful comments, and thanks especially for pointing out some of the pitfalls. Peter ___ use-revolution mailing list Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription

Probably a silly question about 'find'

2007-01-18 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Feels like a very silly question, but it is stumping me. How do I use 'find' to find '4' when it occurs by itself but not 4 when it occurs in '4.1', when searching the contents of a field? I have a field with tab separated values in the form 1 1234 2 2.56 3 4.1 4 9.274

<    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   >