Hi Cassandra Users-

I have a Hadoop job that uses the pattern in Cassandra 2.0.6's 
hadoop_cql3_word_count example to load data from HDFS into Cassandra.  Having 
read about BulkOutputFormat as a way to potentially significantly increase the 
write throughput from Hadoop to Cassandra, I am considering testing against 
that pattern (http://www.datastax.com/dev/blog/improved-hadoop-output, 

Is it possible/supported/recommended to use the BulkOutputFormat to load data 
from Hadoop to a CQL3 table in Cassandra?

I see several examples of building composite keys using Hector (e.g. 
 ), but with the changes to support CQL3 having left a lot of different 
documentation out there for different versions, it's not clear to me what the 
"proper" way to build the requisite ByteBuffer, List<Mutation> pairs that the 
ColumnFamilyOutputFormat (and so BulkOutputFormat) needs.


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