Hi Everyone,

I have the following question [1]:

$ cd /tmp
$ cp -r /var/lib/cassandra/data/keyspace/table-6e9e81a0808811e9ace14f79cedcfbc4 
$ nodetool compact --user-defined 

I expected the two SSTables (where the second one contains only tombstones) to 
be merged into one, which would be equivalent to the first one minus data 
masked by tombstones from the second one.

However, the last command returns `0` exit status and nothing changes in the 
`table-6e9e81a0808811e9ace14f79cedcfbc4` directory (still two tables are 
there).  Any ideas how to unconditionally merge potentially multiple SSTables 
into one in the offline manner (like above, not on SSTable files currently used 
by the running cluster)?


[1] https://stackoverflow.com/q/56427498/1743860


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