I'm trying to use sstableloader to bulk load some data to my 4 DC cluster,
and I can't quite get it to work. Here is how I'm trying to run it:

sstableloader -d -i {csv list of private ips of nodes in cluster}

At first this seems to work, with a steady stream of logging like this
(eventually getting to 100%):

progress: [/]0:13/13 100% [/]0:13/13 100%
100% [/]0:13/13 100% [/]0:13/13 100% [/]0:13/13
100% [/]0:13/13 100% total: 100% 0.000KiB/s (avg: 13.857MiB/s)

There will be some errors sprinkled in like this:

ERROR 15:35:43 [Stream #707f0920-5760-11e7-8ede-37de75ac1efa] Streaming
error occurred on session with peer

java.net.NoRouteToHostException: No route to host

Then, at the end, there will be one last warning about the failed streams:

WARN  15:38:03 [Stream #707f0920-5760-11e7-8ede-37de75ac1efa] Stream failed

Streaming to the following hosts failed:

[/, {list of same private ips as above}]

I am perplexed about the failures because I am trying to explicitly ignore
the nodes in remote DC's via the -i option to sstableloader. Why doesn't
this work? I've tried using the public IP's instead just for kicks, but
that doesn't change anything. I don't see anything helpful in the cassandra
logs (including debug logs). Also, why is localhost in the list of
failures? I can query the data locally after the sstableloader command

I've also noticed that sstableloader fails completely (even locally) while
I am decomissioning or bootstrapping a node in a remote DC. Is this a
limitation of sstableloader? I haven't been able to find documentation
about this.

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