
We are trying to get to exact size of a row in table. All the data is
standard sized. As per dev team, partition size should be 10832 bytes. But
as per tablehistograms partition size is 17084
As per
expected overhead is 23bytes per row per column.

   - Partition size is compressed or uncompressed?
   - compression ratio .40 means 40% reduction in size or 40% after

   primary_key_index overhead is stored in sstable or outside


   Partition size in tablehistograms include overhead size or just actual data?

Here is the information about table.
--- table structure --


    key text,

    column1 timestamp,

    value blob,

    PRIMARY KEY (key, column1)

--- tablehistogram ---

Percentile  SSTables     Write Latency      Read Latency    Partition Size
      Cell Count

                              (micros)          (micros)           (bytes)

50%             1.00             20.50            152.32             17084

75%             1.00             20.50            219.34             17084

95%            17.00             24.60            785.94             17084

98%            17.00             29.52            943.13             17084

99%            17.00             35.43           1358.10             17084

Min             0.00              4.77             17.09                43

Max            17.00            219.34         155469.30             35425

--- table stats ---

Read Count: 4122704331

Read Latency: 0.36671174864540634 ms.

Write Count: 9972009145

Write Latency: 0.017737019208880798 ms.

Pending Flushes: 0

Table: raw_data

SSTable count: 16

Space used (live): 1109412902237

Space used (total): 1109412902237

Space used by snapshots (total): 0

Off heap memory used (total): 1160258564

SSTable Compression Ratio: 0.4096557120739874

Number of keys (estimate): 236017001

Memtable cell count: 318143

Memtable data size: 20781581

Memtable off heap memory used: 0

Memtable switch count: 55601

Local read count: 4122704332

Local read latency: 0.226 ms

Local write count: 9972009147

Local write latency: 0.020 ms

Pending flushes: 0

Bloom filter false positives: 163

Bloom filter false ratio: 0.00000

Bloom filter space used: 741096200

Bloom filter off heap memory used: 741096072

Index summary off heap memory used: 90682196

Compression metadata off heap memory used: 328480296

Compacted partition minimum bytes: 43

Compacted partition maximum bytes: 35425

Compacted partition mean bytes: 11619

Average live cells per slice (last five minutes): 27.168724439058366

Maximum live cells per slice (last five minutes): 446

Average tombstones per slice (last five minutes): 1.0

Maximum tombstones per slice (last five minutes): 1

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