
this is a bug, I can confirm that:

I fixed it on trunk (Cayenne 3.0). Will apply it to 2.0 and 1.2 branches shortly.


On Feb 6, 2007, at 1:35 PM, Bryan Lewis wrote:

I had this code working on an Oracle8 database:

        ProcedureQuery procQuery = new

The procedure is only a few sql statements to create a temporary table
and takes no parameters. When I ported to Postgres 8.2, Cayenne says it
can't find the procedure.  The log shows:

    {call proc_eu_update_begin}
    org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR:  relation
"proc_eu_update_begin" does not exist

I could execute the procedure manually with "select
proc_eu_update_begin()". Note that the empty parentheses were required.

I had other working procedures so I suspected it was the absence of
parameters causing the problem. Adding a dummy parameter made things work:

    {call proc_eu_update_begin(?)} [bind: 'xx']

So I have a work-around, but... maybe Cayenne could generate a call that
Postgres would handle better, something like the empty parentheses in
the manual command.

P.S. The definition of the procedure (now a function in Postgres) looks

    CREATE OR REPLACE function  proc_eu_update_begin()
      RETURNS void AS ...

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