Can you provide a sample project reproducting this behaviour.

This problem should be fixed in latest release.

On 17/03/2015 22:39, tran, phong wrote:

When I ran stories with a single thread (serial), the story duration in reports looked correct. The duration time is in minutes as expected. See the attached report (single-thread-reports.png). However, when stories are executed with multiple threads (currently), the story duration is not calculated correctly (See Multiple-Thread-Reports.png). The duration time is in in sub-seconds and is not what expected. I’m using JBehave 3.9.2 and thought this problem could be related to but upgrading to the latest JBehave 3.9.5 does not seem to help with this problem.

Here is the code fragment for building story report.

.useStoryReporterBuilder(new StoryReporterBuilder()


                .withFormats(CONSOLE, TXT, HTML_WEB)






Does anyone have an idea what’s could be the problem here?

Thanks in advance,


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