Hi Everyone

We use pcap4j to capture network packets and then use spark streaming to
analyze captured packets. However, we met a strange problem.

If we run our application on spark locally (for example, spark-submit
--master local[2]), then the program runs successfully.

If we run our application on spark standalone cluster, then the program
will tell us that NO NIFs found.

I also attach two test files for clarification.

So anyone can help on this? Thanks in advance!

(See attached file: PcapReceiver.java)(See attached file:

Best regards,

- Haishan

Haishan Wu (吴海珊)

IBM Research - China
Tel: 86-10-58748508
Fax: 86-10-58748330
Email: wuh...@cn.ibm.com
Lotus Notes: Hai Shan Wu/China/IBM

Attachment: PcapReceiver.java
Description: Binary data

Attachment: TestPcapSpark.java
Description: Binary data

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