2008/3/6, chenshibing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi, all:
> I have a question to ask: is it possible to open a new browser page in the
> server side instead of using form.target="__blank"?
> User submits a form then the server side codes do some validations. If the
> form valid, a new page is return for printing, or the original page is
> returned with some prompt messages. But if the form's target attribute set
> to __blank, it will open new page in both situations. Is there any response
> header to control browser open new page in the server side?

I think that you can accomplish it with a mix of Javascript and server
You could make an AJAX call (e.g. with DWR) and then, depending on a
parameter, you could open a window or redirect to another page.
This is just a "proof of concept", not real code, but at least it is a step
forward :-)


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