Hello there! I'm really, really confused with this. Being a struts user for a quite some time, I must say, it's a great framework but its warning system sux big time.
Here's my problem:

I have 2 types of errors in my system (general are displayed on top of page, detailed in front of each property)

So this is a typical piece of code:

ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();

errors.add("org.struts.action.ERROR",new ActionMessage("general.error"); //this shall be displayed on top

errors.add("invalidUser", newActionMessage("user.invalid"));


so here's my jsp :

<logic:messagesPresent message="false" property="org.apache.struts.action.ERROR">
<html:messages message="false" property="org.apache.struts.action.ERROR" id="error">
<bean:write name="error"/>

and then
<html:text property="username"/><html:errors property="invalidUser"/>

Well this works for this case, but when my ValidtorForm puts messages to the error stack they are not displayed.
So I cameup with this stupid idea :

<html:errors name="org.apache.struts.action.ERROR"/>

the code in front of the text field remains the same. And now, I've got the invalid username error displayed twice ...

I've got on a dead end. How can I combine ValidatorForm errors + my custom errors messages?

This issue is causing a really big problem.

Best regards


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