Hi Jim,

sorry for the late.

Il 01/17/18 02:17, Jim ha scritto:
Hi Andrea,

Already tried fresh installation and re-testing but still having the same
It's ok when using API calls and with 2.0.7-SNAPSHOT. Since its ok with API
we can close this thread but hoping you'll fix this for future versions.

Btw, have you tried installing a fresh Apache Syncope 2.0.7 using GUI
installer and reproduce my problem? Just for confirmation purposes or maybe
I am the only one who encountered this problem :)

Thanks for reporting, I'm not excluding that there's a problem. Thanks for reporting, I'm going to try a fresh installation and let you know here.

Have a nice day,

Thank you!

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Dott. Andrea Patricelli
Tel. +39 3204524292

Engineer @ Tirasa S.r.l.
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Apache Syncope PMC Member

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