On 08/03/21 20:11, utpal kas wrote:

We have set up the PULL task to execute auto-propagation to LDAP (external 

After the PULL task's execution we are getting the Summary result by invoking 
*syncope/rest/tasks/executions/recent *endpoint. The summary shows, how many 
users are create/updated/deleted. I do see the 
*syncope/rest/tasks/executions/recent *endpoint**does show the *PROPAGATION 
*task related records but they are based on individual user.

We like to have a summary report ( how many users are create/updated/deleted) 
generated for PROPAGATION task, is there any easy way?

Hi Utpal,
what you are asking for is not available OOTB: compared to Pull (which is 
related to a set of objects being received from an External Resource), 
Propagation is instead related to a single identity being sent from Syncope to 
External Resources.

You might however extract the information you are looking for from the 
following REST endpoint:


this will return the first matching 25 propagation tasks for users  on the 
"the-resource" External Resource, with executions (details), sorted by end date 


Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

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