
I would be interested in knowing whether you have done this successfully. I posted a problem I was having with XFire 1.2.5 and XmlBeans about 10 days ago - the problem did not exist with XFire 1.2RC1 which I was using previously.



dpociu wrote:
Oh, sorry, based on your answer, I now realize that the docs actually have
this explained at http://docs.codehaus.org/display/XFIRE/XMLBeans+Client+Generation XMLBeans client generation .
I did not look in the document closely enough to see the link, I simply
copied the Ant task and did not understand what "generate the xmlbeans"
meant in the docs first time around.
I just added the link in the docs for others that may do the same.


To use XMLBeans as your databinding you must first generate your
xmlbeans objects and add them to classpath.

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