Hi All,

I had an opportunity to visit Microsoft to have a look at ADO.NET vNext, and more specifically, the Entity Framework.  They have a lot of really great people working on it and the technology is quite advanced.  However, as anyone who knows me would expect, I personally had quite a bit to say about it... ;-)  I'll be happy to share those thoughts once the CTP is out so that you have a chance to formulate your own opinion.

If your interested in the future of ADO.NET development, keep an eye on http://msdn.microsoft.com/data next week.  And more importantly, let Microsoft know what you think about it. Their team is really good at listening to their customers, so I encourage you to share your thoughts with them.

ALSO!  Please let _us_ know what you think about it and how it could impact iBATIS.NET in the future - both good and bad.

Let us know!


From: <identity protected> [mailto:<mail protected>@microsoft.com]
Sent: August 11, 2006 4:09 PM
To: Clinton Begin
Subject: ADO.NET vNext CTP is coming soon


I wanted to send a note specifically to the people that we've been working with closely over the last year on designs for the next version of ADO.NET to let you know that we're on track to release the first public CTP of ADO.NET vNext early next week.  I'm including an overview document that will be available with the CTP build so that you can get an early scoop on what will be in it.  I'd like to encourage you to share the news with your colleagues and help us get the word out on your blog once the CTP goes live on http://msdn.microsoft.com/data.


Thanks for your participation and enjoy the CTP next week!


-<identity protected>


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