Please go ahead. FWIW I see more and more projects supporting JDK6 or later
these days. I would say by the next major release we might have to switch to



On Sun, Mar 7, 2010 at 08:08, Alex Boisvert <> wrote:

> Up to now, Buildr has supported JDK 1.4 and later.  I'm not entirely
> certainly that everything worked on JDK 1.4 as I've never tried it myself
> and we've never received any complaints regarding 1.4 compatibility.  In
> any
> case, many of our dependencies are moving or have moved to 1.5 or later
> (e.g. JUnit 4.0+, Scala 2.8+, ...) and so I'd like to make Buildr 1.4.0
> officially support only JDK 1.5 and later.
> Any objection?
> alex

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