I'm confused about when servlet connections need to be
specified and when the servlet:/ protocol must be used.

For example, I have a demo webapp that depends on one block, 'myBlock'.
When I run the webapp, the content from myBlock is displayed by this browser 


For this to work, it isn't necessary to specify a servlet connection
in the webapp's SitemapServlet bean.

But if the webapp uses forms, it is necessary to specify these connections:

   <entry key="ajax" value-ref="org.apache.cocoon.ajax.impl.servlet"/>
   <entry key="forms" value-ref="org.apache.cocoon.forms.impl.servlet"/>
   <entry key="style-default" 

I'm sure I have a misconception about how these entry keys are used.
Could someone explain when and why these expressions are required
to reach a block? (And sometimes why not.)


-Hugh Sparks

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