Several ways of answering this come to mind, but I'll go with the gentler

You have some questions to ask yourself (and your collaborators).

What is your desired end use--will this Excel 2003 spread sheet continue to
be used on Excel 2003?

If not will your use be exclusively on LibreOffice or a mix of Apache
OpenOffice and LibreOffice?

Do you or some number of your users understand what data is being charted
and how? Are you (they) familiar with both the Microsoft macros and the
LibreOffice macros?

Where I'm going is that depending on your intended use, you will need to
--port-- the spread sheet either for use in calc.  But likely for use in
Excel 2007, or  2010 or 2012-- there is that much variation in the macro
scripting between the Microsoft products.

Sorry, but without seeing the function and logic of your existing spread
sheet, the most we'll be able to do is suggest steps in doing a port.

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