% > Has anyone supplied an IPv6 address for their name server when
% > registering or updating a domain directly under COM, NET, ORG or EDU?
% > If so, what happened?
% VeriSign Global Registry Services' infrastructure does not (yet) support
% IPv6 addresses: your registrar can't specify an IPv6 address in the current
% version of RRP, and our database and zone generation processes only
% accommodate IPv4 addresses.  The former applies only to com, net and org,
% but the latter applies to those zones as well as edu.
% Matt
% --
% Matt Larson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
% VeriSign Global Registry Services / www.verisign-grs.com

Other TLDs appear to have more "flexable" registration techniques 
(likely driven by lower registration volume) and appear to allow
both AAAA and A6 entries.


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