Hello there,

I'm having this issue where the sms got rejected, but from the log all I
can see was the [msg:13:NACK/REJECTED]. I'm new in this and I don't know
what's wrong with the sms. I can't see what's the error in the logs. Kindly

Logs :

12194741:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG: SMPP[Base]: Got PDU:
12194742:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG: SMPP PDU 0x7fbc900070c0
12194743:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:   type_name: submit_sm
12194744:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:   command_id: 4 =
12194745:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:   command_status: 0 =
12194746:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:   sequence_number: 7249
= 0x00001c51
12194747:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:   service_type: NULL
12194748:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:   source_addr_ton: 5 =
12194749:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:   source_addr_npi: 0 =
12194750:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:   source_addr: "Pizza"
12194751:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:   dest_addr_ton: 1 =
12194752:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:   dest_addr_npi: 1 =
12194753:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:   destination_addr:
12194754:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:   esm_class: 0 =
12194755:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:   protocol_id: 0 =
12194756:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:   priority_flag: 0 =
12194757:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:
schedule_delivery_time: NULL
12194758:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:   validity_period:
12194759:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:   registered_delivery: 1
= 0x00000001
12194760:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:
replace_if_present_flag: 0 = 0x00000000
12194761:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:   data_coding: 0 =
12194762:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:   sm_default_msg_id: 0 =
12194763:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:   sm_length: 17 =
12194764:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:   short_message:
12194765:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG: SMPP PDU dump ends.
12194766:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG: Msg object at
12194767:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:  type: sms
12194768:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:  sms.sender:
12194769:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:  Octet string at
12194770:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:    len:  5
12194771:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:    size: 6
12194772:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:    immutable: 0
12194773:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:    data: 50 69 7a 7a
61                                    Pizza
12194774:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:  Octet string dump ends.
12194775:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:  sms.receiver:
12194776:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:  Octet string at
12194777:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:    len:  12
12194778:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:    size: 1024
12194779:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:    immutable: 0
12194780:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:    data: 2b 36 30 31 33
33 35 33 39 37 34 33               +60199999999
12194781:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:  Octet string dump ends.
12194782:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:  sms.udhdata:
12194783:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:  sms.msgdata:
12194784:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:  Octet string at
12194785:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:    len:  17
12194786:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:    size: 18
12194787:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:    immutable: 0
12194788:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:    data: 36 32 37 37 31
2d 72 6f 75 74 65 3a 67 37 30 a7   62771-route:g70.
12194789:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:    data:
44                                                D
12194790:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:  Octet string dump ends.
12194791:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:  sms.time: 1446714108
12194792:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:  sms.smsc_id:
12194793:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:  sms.smsc_number:
12194794:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:  sms.foreign_id:
12194795:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:  sms.service:
12194796:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:  Octet string at
12194797:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:    len:  6
12194798:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:    size: 7
12194799:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:    immutable: 0
12194800:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:    data: 69 42 61 73 69
73                                 Base
12194801:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:  Octet string dump ends.
12194802:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:  sms.account:
12194803:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:  sms.id:
12194804:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:  sms.sms_type: 2
12194805:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:  sms.mclass: -1
12194806:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:  sms.mwi: -1
12194807:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:  sms.coding: 0
12194808:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:  sms.compress: 0
12194809:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:  sms.validity: -1
12194810:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:  sms.deferred: -1
12194811:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:  sms.dlr_mask: 19
12194812:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:  sms.dlr_url:
12194813:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:  sms.pid: 0
12194814:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:  sms.alt_dcs: 0
12194815:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:  sms.rpi: -1
12194816:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:  sms.charset:
12194817:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:  sms.boxc_id:
12194818:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:  Octet string at
12194819:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:    len:  6
12194820:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:    size: 7
12194821:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:    immutable: 0
12194822:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:    data: 69 42 61 73 69
73                                 Base
12194823:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:  Octet string dump ends.
12194824:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:  sms.binfo:
12194825:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:  sms.msg_left: -1
12194826:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:  sms.split_parts: (nil)
12194827:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:  sms.priority: 0
12194828:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:  sms.resend_try: -1
12194829:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:  sms.resend_time: -1
12194830:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:  sms.meta_data:
12194831:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:  Octet string at
12194832:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:    len:  6
12194833:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:    size: 1024
12194834:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:    immutable: 0
12194835:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:    data: 3f 73 6d 70 70
3f                                 ?smpp?
12194836:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG:  Octet string dump ends.
12194837:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG: Msg object ends.
12194838:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG: DLR[mysql]: Adding DLR
smsc=Base, ts=17b35965, src=Pizza, dst=+60199999999, mask=19, boxc=Base
12194839:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG: adding DLR entry into
12194840:2015-11-05 17:01:48 [13705] [4769] DEBUG: sql: INSERT INTO
`dlr_smpp` (`smsc`, `ts`, `source`, `destination`, `service`, `url`,
`mask`, `boxcid`, `status`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 0)

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