
This is resolved, though I don't much like the solution.

It seems the problem was using the command "mvn clean deploy" rather than "mvn 
clean bundle:deploy".

Multiple plugins were matching the deploy goal, and one of those was 
incrementing the buildNumber an extra time and updating/putting the 
maven-metadata.xml again.

Using "mvn clean deploy:deploy" resulting in only POM files for projects with 
<packaging> pom get uploaded.  Features files for POM projects are not 
uploaded, and bundle projects get nothing at all uploaded - no POM, no Features 
and no Bundle/.jar.

Using "mvn clean bundle:deploy" causes everything to work just peachy.  All POM 
files for all projects/packaging types get uploaded.  Those projects that use 
the build-helper-maven-plugin to upload a Features file get the Features file 
uploaded.  Those projects that are Bundle projects get the Bundle/.jar file 

I'm still not sure what *:deploy bit was doing the bogus increment, but I have 
a resolution so I'm not planning on investigating further.


From: []
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2015 1:20 PM
Subject: RE: Using build-helper-maven-plugin in bundle projects causing 
problems with <buildNumber> in -SNAPSHOT builds

It was pointed out to me that the sample projects I uploaded were version 0.0.1 
rather than 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.  My apologies about that.  I have continued to 
experiment and I thought I sent the version before I stripped the -SNAPSHOT tab 

Attached is a version of the project with version 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.  It also 
rearranges the parent structure ever so slightly.

Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 2:46 PM
Subject: Using build-helper-maven-plugin in bundle projects causing problems 
with <buildNumber> in -SNAPSHOT builds


NOTE: I've cross posted this on the Mojohaus list.

We're having a problem using build-helper-maven-plugin to deploy features.xml 
files in projects that also deploy a bundle/.jar.  The maven-metadata.xml in 
Nexus has wrong <buildNumber>. We have projects that have features.xml files 
that are deployed to Nexus using the build-helper-maven-plugin along with the 
bundle/.jar and POM. The maven-metadata.xml will have, for example, 
<buildNumber> 51, but the <value> tags in the <snapshotVersion> enties will be 

I am attaching which includes a set of projects that will 
demonstrate the issue, as well as the file maven-deploy-notes.txt which shows 
some TCP log results, and a set of maven-metadata.xml files (renamed for 
differentiation) showing the <buildNumber> and <value> entries we're seeing.

This issue causes a problem when we try to do on-demand builds that need to be 
installed on the TEST environment, which _must_ go through Nexus - we don't do 
the build on TEST... we do the build on our build system which deploys the 
build to Nexus. The TEST system is then unable to download the 'latest' build 
due to the buildNumber issue.

There is a Nexus Scheduled Task that runs daily at 4am - the Remote Snapshots 
from Repository task. In addition to removing old snapshot versions, this task 
seems to "correct" the buildNumber issue, ensuring that the buildNumber matches 
the last build in the directory. This allows us to install nightly builds in 
TEST, but doesn't help with mid-day build problems.

We've seen this problem using Apache Maven 3.0.4, 3.0.5 and 3.3.3, as well as 
Oracle JDK versions 1.7.0 update 55 and 1.7.0 update 79. Developers are on 
Windows 7, and the TeamCity build system runs on Linux.  Nexus is running on 
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3 with Java 1.7.0_55.

Have we done something wrong constructing our POMs?  Is there an issue with the 



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