
The Mojo team is pleased to announce the release of the Cobertura Maven Plugin 
version 2.5.2. 
This plugin provides the features of Cobertura within the Maven 2 & 3 
environment.The report generated by this plugin is the result of executing the 
Cobertura tool against your compiled classes to help you determine how well the 
unit testing efforts have been, and can then be used to identify which parts of 
your Java program are lacking test coverage.

To get this update, simply specify the version in your project's plugin 

        Release Notes - Maven 2.x Cobertura Plugin - Version 2.5.2

[MCOBERTURA-52] -         Ignores and Excludes do nothing

[MCOBERTURA-150] -         Aggregate parameter description doesn't contain 
'Since: 2.5'

[MCOBERTURA-151] -         Regression comparing 2.5 and 2.5.1, NPE in 


The Mojo team.
Robert Scholte                                    

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