The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven Site Plugin, version 4.0.0-M7.

Release Notes - Maven Site Plugin - Version 4.0.0-M7

** Bug
* [MSITE-226] - Missing escaping of ${} for default site descriptor
    * [MSITE-934] - Log output of site:run does not show locale
    * [MSITE-937] - Sitemap creates non-consecutive headings
* [MSITE-938] - Sitemap creates empty entry if href is null although menu item name isn't * [MSITE-941] - sitemap.xml is overwritten when multiple locales are defined
    * [MSITE-942] - Generated localized site content is ignored
* [MSITE-943] - Saved processed site content is overwritten when multiple locales are defined * [MSITE-944] - Site plugin fails if there's a & in the project <url> POM

** Task
    * [MSITE-932] - Remove Maven 2 style reports element
    * [MSITE-936] - Sort locale tests from non-default to default one
    * [MSITE-939] - Replace StringUtils from Plexus Utils with Commons Lang

** Dependency upgrade
* [MSITE-935] - Upgrade to Doxia Sitetools 2.0.0-M7, Maven Reporting Impl 4.0.0-M6, Maven Reporting Exec 2.0.0-M6


-The Apache Maven team

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