
The Mojo team is pleased to announce the release of the Extra-Enforcer-Rules 
version 1.0-alpha-2. 

Apache's Maven Enforcer Plugin is used to apply and enforce rules on your Maven 
projects.The Enforcer plugin ships with a set of standard rules.The Mojo 
project hosts this project to provide extra rules which are not part of the 
standard rule set.

To use any of the extra rules you just need to add the extra rules as a 
dependency of the Apache Maven Enforcer Plugin: 


Release NotesBug[MOJO-1682] - Extra option to also check transitive 
dependencies for duplicates[MOJO-1731] - BanDuplicateClasses fails when there 
is a dependency of type pom[MOJO-1759] - NullPointerException when encountering 
a corrupt dependencyNew Feature[MOJO-1744] - support ignore classes for 
specific dependencies


The Mojo team.
Robert Scholte                                    

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