I'd like to get some feedback on best practices of developing with

Suppose we have a 1.0-SNAPSHOT mainline development version of a
multi-module maven project.  We would like to create a feature branch
off the mainline dev branch.  When developing on the feature branch I
would think we would need to change the version of all modules to
something like 1.0-wizzbang-SNAPSHOT.  Is that the recommended approach?
Is there an automated manner of changing all poms' versions in a single
command?  I know the release plugin does something like this but I don't
think it is exactly intended for this.

Finally, when merging the feature branch back to the mainline branch, we
would not want to merge the version fields in the POM as those would
only be appropriate on the feature branch.  We use clearcase, but is
this normally a difficult problem in code repositories?  Is there a way
to mark the version tag as non-mergable?


Peter Hayes
Architecture & Shared Technology Services | Fidelity Investments
Management Technology

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