
From: Patrick Charbonnier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: lundi 25 septembre 2006 18:19
Subject: Clover + Cargo + Maven2 +Jboss




sorry to contact you directly but i didnt find a user mailiing list for


It is the Maven list. I'm cc-ing it. Please continue answering on the list
(after you subscribe to it).


im evaluating Clover for a large J2EE project (EJB3) but I cannot figure out
a clean scenario. My test case



|-- jar1

| |-- pom.xml

| `-- src

| |-- main

| `-- test

|-- jar2

| |-- pom.xml

| `-- src

| |-- main

| `-- test

`-- pom.xml


jar1 is an EJB3 and contains only entities and can be testes without any


jar2 contains business bean (i.e. SessionBean) and to be tested the jar2
need to be deployed on a running container . This is done by cargo. The
problems is that

the dependencie jar1 is deployed without instrumentation (because is fetched
by maven and decladere in cargo config as deployable ) and all the calls to
jar1 during the integration-test for jar2 are not taken into

account during the clover:aggregate phase.


Have you some suggestions ? 


I think you're not using the Clover plugin in the correct manner. In order
for the clovered artifacts to be used you need to call a clover plugin goal
(like clover:check or clover:clover). If you call the build for jar2 using
"mvn install" for example without it running through the clover plugin then
nothing will happen. When run through the clover plugin, it modifies the
project artifacts to use the clovered versions.


If you simply run "mvn clover:clover" in multiproject/ it should work fine.




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