Hi Eric,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eric Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: mardi 25 juillet 2006 18:54
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: post-integration-test not run if integration-test fails (problem
> for continuum)
> I have to start up 2 servers and a bunch of webservices in pre-
> integration-test. Then I run my integration tests. Then post-
> integration-test stops my servers. However, if some of my integration
> tests fail, maven exits and does not stop my services. Despite being
> annoying when I'm just running my tests, it is a real problem if I
> ask continuum to run my integration tests as it leaves the servers
> running on my continuum box if any test fails.
> Is there a maven solution to this besides writing a shell script on
> continuum?
> My colleague tried using mvn -fae, but that doesn't solve the problem
> either.

I've had this problem too which is why I'm currently recommending to use the
Cargo Java API from your own JUnit test, as described on
http://cargo.codehaus.org/Functional+testing. This allows you to control the
start and stop of your containers from within your tests and you don't need
the pre-it and post-it phases.

Hope it helps,


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