I have a SNAPSHOT artifact (foo.bar) who has a dependency of:

I changed the group for saxon (internal repo) and changed the SNAPSHOT to
depend on


Above this project I had another artifact that used this as a dependency.

Before I changed saxon's groupId I had packaged this project and was able to
pull down bar SNAPSHOT w/ saxon.saxon as it's dependency. That's fine.
I redeployed saxon as net.sf.saxon and then redeployed foo.bar with an
updated pom that reflected this groupId change (it is showing correctly in
my nexus repo).
But when I rerun my project it still pulls the old foo.bar that wants saxon
in the saxon group.
Even a snapshot-policy and -U doesn't force it to regrab the SNAPSHOT.

Anyone know what is causing this behavior?


Bill Cosby  - "A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones
that need the advice."

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