I'm having trouble getting Maven 1 features on the site to work in Maven2
(I am using site.xml in M2 as opposed to the navigation.xml from M1).
I know it's finding my site.xml because other changes to it are showing
1) Cannot get "external link" and "open in a new window" icons to work...
On page
in the Menu section it notes:
To open a link in a new window, use the "target" attribute. For example,
for a menu item:
<item name="Name" href="URL" target="_blank"/>
XDoc automatically adds the "Opens in a new window" icon and "New
Window" tooltip to links with the "target" attribute.
XDoc also automatically adds the "External Link" icon and tooltip to
links referring to external sites (actually, any absolute url).
This is not working for me in Maven 2 (i.e., the icons are not getting
Is this a known issue or maybe someone has hints for me?
2) Cannot get <footer> to work...
I add the same footer definition I had in my navigation.xml for M1 into
my site.xml:
<a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/xxx";>
<img src="http://sourceforge.net/sflogo.php?group_id=118374";
border="0" alt="sf logo"/>
Inside the body... and the create site does not show this footer. Again,
is this a known issue or maybe someone has hints for me?

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